Wednesday morning coffee talk
Good Wednesday morning to you today. I hope you slept good last night. It's time to face the day and get up and at 'em. Whether you are headed to work, school, play, cleaning house or to bed after working all night, I hope you have a great and blessed day. Our lives are what we make of 'em. What are making of your's? I just know you are making it a life changing day. A day of good things and positive things. Things that will make you a better person. God bless you today!
So! Who's up this morning? Who's sipping/drinking/gulping their coffee, tea, water, or cappuccino this morning? Me? I'm driking that "Death By Chocolate" stuff again with Rich's coffee cream. I'm so hooked on that coffee. You GOTTA try it! I hope you have a wonderful hump day and be blessed! Randall 

Good Morning, Randall! No, I haven't had any coffee yet this morning. It's been turning my teeth yellowish and I've really been having to bleach them A LOT! So, I've been cutting down on the coffee. If anybody knows of a coffee that doesn't do that, please let me know!
I'm gonna be working here at home in the office all day for the youth center. Then we have church tonight.
Have a great day & God bless!
Love, Cindy