From Indiana and new to this message board
HI. I am thrilled to learn of this message board! I am a 51 yr old born again believer who got married on June 4, 2005. He is Mr. Wonderful and I praise God for bringing him to me! Neither of us had ever been married and we both feel the 50 year wait was more than worth it!
Tom, my husband, had WLS (RNY Methodist Hospital, Southlake Campus, Merrillville, IN) on April 5, 2005 and has lost 194# thus far. He is 6'8" and I am only 5'1" on a tall day. He has had no complications, is off the 24/7 oxygen, no longer has congestive heart failure, is off of about 14 medications and although still is diabetic, has decreased his insulin by about 90%. His energy level is boundless as is his physical stamina. We are amazed at the things the Lord has done for him through this surgery.
I am on disability due to several health problems (CFIDS/FM, sleep apnea, hypothyroidism, pulmonary hypertension, just to name a few) and am scheduled for a surgical consult on 4/6 followed by a psych evaluation. If all goes well, I am told I could possibly have a surgery date within the next 4-6 weeks. Please pray for financial assistance as we have no funds for the copay portion of the surgery and for the details to be worked out ASAP.
God's blessings on you and yours!

Hi! I am also from Indiana! I live in Butler; it is in northeast Indiana. I am so happy for you and your DH! My daughter and son are both waiting for the Lord to bring them their mates. I will say a prayer for you that all will go according to God's plan. I am so glad to hear how wonderful your husband has done! Good for him! God bless & keep in touch! Love, Cindy

Praise the Lord, Iam also new to this website and I am also going through the appointments know for my surgery. I am considering Lap Band. My Pastor, Overseer and I was in Fort wayne Indiana last year. Our overseer preached in 3 churches when we were there. We had a nice time and even though I did not get to see much in scenery I did like the peacefulness unlike Boston's hustle and bustle. I also like the hustle and bustle though.

Welcome. Congratulations on meeting Mr.Right....I had to smile reading the tall and short of mom was barely 5' (I still think she tip-toed) and my dad about 6'1". Mom always battled the weight and my dad couldn't gain...he always weighed 145. Figures...huh
Sounds like your DH is having good success with his WLS and I pray the same for you as you proceed with the plans to have surgery.
This is a faith and prayer motivated forum... so keep us all informed as your preoperative journey progresses.
God bless

I'm glad you found this board. In a time where society is "offended" by everything "Christian" it is nice to have a little place to come together and voice our beliefs openly without fear of conflicts.
Isn't God awesome? His word says that He knew us while we were yet in the womb. He knew our spouses too. Before we breathed our first breath of air He already knew our entire lives. He has given us the gift of marriage. It is really just that, a gift. When we look at our husbands the same way God looks at them we can truly appreciate the gift He gave us. He sees them as Holy and without blame.
I believe in my heart that God has a purpose and a plan for your life. If that plan includes WLS He will see to it that it that everything runs smoothly and with excellence. I pray that His perfect will for your life will be lived out.