Home from study, long sermon
I have been poked by needles and shocked by those little prong things and I NEVER FELT IT! Except in my spine.
From my spine to my toes was I poked and shocked. The Nuerologist was simply amazed that I had no feeling. He said he didn't know how in the world I was even walking. I was told in '99 that I'd never walk again after my accident. I'm NOT suppose to be walking. I tell you that GOD IS SO AWESOME! MY GOD SAYS DIFFERENT. I'm sorry if you don't want to hear that, or this, but MY GOD is a miracle working God. When I was told that, I KNEW then that I would not stay in that wheel chair!! NEVER!!! So I went from the wheel chair, to a walker, to crutches, to a cane, and now this leg brace. BUT PRAISE GOD!! I AM WALKING!!
Sometimes I have to tell my feet to move. It's like a delayed reaction. That's why I went to see him. To find out what is up with that. This has started in the last few months. He says it is all from my diabetes (that I had before WLS) and this accident. My lower back, hips, legs, and feet are in terrible shape according to the Dr.s and the world's report. I have SEVERE Nueropathy from my hips down. NO reflexes except in the back of my legs. The only time I felt the needles were when they were in my spine or deep in my shins. I never felt it in my thighs, ankles, or feet. OH WELL! I'm still a miracle and I'm going to be fine. He want's to do more extensive therapies (I dunno what yet) and more studies. Don't know about those either yet. He does want to try a new insole that is out in Europe. They are suppose to send shock waves into the sole of your feet to help with your balance and pain while you never feel the shock waves. We shall see. Am I worried? NOPE. God is in control. If you don't know me yet, I am a firm believer in prayer and in faith. God promised if we'd be faithful to HIM, HE'll be faithful to us. He has never let me down and NEVER WILL! People have asked me how I can say that in all I have been through. Even in Joie's death, but I simply tell them "God has never left me"! I may leave you, you may leave me (I don't mean in death) but GOD is a friend who will never leave us. IN ANYTHING WE FACE! If we put our faith and trust in him. Hope I don't offend anyone with this, but I had e mails wanting to know the results. I LOVE YOU ALL!
In God I trust, Randall