Ok here we go. I am taking a leap of faith and starting both a roll call and Prayer Chain all in one. I don't get to responding to these usually, but the board has been extremely quiet, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I miss everyone. You each play such an important roll in my life as well as my journey in WLS and not to mention my walk with our LORD!! He is soooooo good and I love hearing about your days, whether it has been a struggle or it has been glorified and we can sing His praises.
So here we go...
Prayer Chain -
If I could ask for continued prayers for my father. He is still in the hospital, hopefully to be discharged back to the nursing home for more rehab. He has been in and out of the hospital so much since the New Year that recently he developed an infection from the hospital. Please pray for God to continue to watch over him and that we are more accepting of what God's will is for my father.
Please pray for my pending submittal to the insurance company. I finished my last "thing" before everything gets submitted. I am hoping that this will happen on Friday. Let the Lord help me to be patient and continually prayerful during this time.
I would like to pray for all of you on this board. No matter what is going on, a little HI letting us know you are ok or what is going on would be great. I pray that everything in your life right now be as God has willed and that we are able to allow His will to work in us.
1- What is your favorite verse inthe Bible?
Mine would be Phil 4:13 "I can co all things through Christ who strengthens me."
2- If you could conquer one fear what would that be?
For me it would be my fear of success. I know that it sounds funny, but I have always been afraid to succeed. It holds me back in so many areas in my life. I know that I need to give this up to God and He is the only one that can help me through this. So what is holding me back? Fear....I can't let the enemy do this to me anymore!!
3- What is your favorite season?
I love fall. The colors are so soothing to me and the crispness in the air fills me full of excitement.
4- What is your favorite color?
I know, sounds funny, but I had to through something fun in there. Mine, Pink!! Oh my, for the longest time I have loved blue, but recently I have rekindled my love of pink. People here at work are starting to remember this. I was in a what we call "a lunch and learn" and was seeing some new fabrics (I am an Interior Designer), and there was this gorgeous pink fabric and I have a collection of pink fabric at my desk, my co-worker said that this one would look great at my desk. I laughed, they know me too well!!
I can't wait to hear from all of you. I will continue to pray for each and every person on this board.
I love you all....

Hi Jeanna,
Just a quick hello to everyone here. I love this gift that the Lord has given to us. I am indeed set free. Thank you Jesus! Your dad will be in my prayers, so will your insurance approval.
As for my prayer request. I need/want a job. Please pray that my daughter will get approved to finance the truck we looked at today, so I can have my car back and that I would get a job. Thank you.
1- What is your favorite verse in the Bible?
I have many "favorite verses". I can't claim just one as my favorite.
2- If you could conquer one fear what would that be?
The fear of going back to school. I graduated from High school way back in 1975. I want to go back to become an R.N. or an L.P.N.. I'm afraid I'll fail at this. I don't know why, I've always been a pretty good student when I did what I supposed to do. I guess this is another prayer request. It has really been on my mind lately. I even had a dream that I was a pediatric nurse.
3- What is your favorite season?
Any of them except winter. I'm a summer girl. I love to swim, but it need to be warm for me to do that.
4- What is your favorite color?
I love colors, once again there are to many for me to chose just one.
I like the warm colors the best. Red's ,yellow's, orange's.
Have a great day.
God bless you,