Sunday morning coffee talk
Good morning all you gorgeous folks! A big hello from LA this morning! No! Not Los Angeles, Luverne, Alabama!
I hope you slept good. I sure did! Like a rock! God is so good. He is so faithful. In ALL things, we can depend on him. I may let you down, family may let you down, you may let yourself down, but GOD WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN! Everyday, we need to put our trust in HIM! I hope you make today a great day and put your trust in HIM!
SO! Who's up? Who's sipping/drinking/gulping their coffee, tea, or water this morning? Cappuccino counts too! Me? I've already had a glass of decaf sweet tea! Can you believe I drank that this morning?
What's up with that? I dunno. Guess I was just in the mood.
I'm on my 1st cup of Starbuck's Winterblend now tho with Rich's Coffee Creamer. Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful Lord's day! Randal 

Hey Randall. Hi everybody! I just got back from church a short time ago and thought I'd log on. Had a few cups You're right, Randall. God is good all the time. He will never leave us or forsake us. I find that is so true, and I am reminded of that so much lately. A good friend of mine had her cancer return, and her chances are not very good for licking it this time. However, she continues to put her trust in the Lord, knowing that she will either remain here or will be seeing Jesus' face.
God bless you all, dear sisters and brothers in Christ.