Prayer request
Well...I have an interesting prayer request. Last night, I discovered a HUGE leak under my sink. It has been there for a long time apparently, but was concealed by a board under the sink that was there from a leak fixed a while the things under the sink hid it. When my son and I pulled out all of the things under the sink...and the board...the original board had rotted the rest of the way through and there is water and mold EVERYWHERE! There was so much water it went into the next wall. At first, I thought the washing machine had leaked, but it looks like now that it is the connection to the icemaker filter that is leaking.
Problem? My husband is at sea. I have gotten it to almost stop. I don't think the valve is working right I put the filter inside a container in case it leaks a lot more.
I am VERY allergic to mold. In fact, I was on allergy shots until I could no longer have them due to being on a beta blocker. They started giving me the drops under my tongue...which is the same medicine...just converted for sublingual use. But, my insurance does not cover this...even with it being the same med and everything. They only cover the shot method, and it is contraindicated in my case. So, I can't afford $100 a bottle for the drops anymore.
I say all of this to basically ask you to pray that I will be able to deal with this without getting too sick. My husband will be home in April for a few weeks, but he is supposed to have surgery so I don't know how that will go. I have asked my brothers if they can come, but they live the next state over...and have not heard. So, please pray that I can continue to function. I have not felt well for a while...have had a sore throat, sneezing, runny nose and hardly no voice....and now I know why. Thanks for your prayers in advance.

I will also pray for you!
Plumbing problems have got to be among the most frustrating things, and of course it happens when your hubby is gone..
Reminds me of my cousin and his wife, years ago when they were very new in the pastoral ministry and serving at little churches that could really not even afford to pay them so they both worked on the side. They lived one place where it was back to back plumbing problems, get on thing fixed and another broke down (old house, bad plumbing). He said she leaned her head on his shoulder one day and said 'will the plumbing work when we get to heaven?'