Thursday MORNING coffee talk
"O God, Thou art my God: early will I seek thee" (Psalm 63:1). The key word in there is EARLY! I was e mailed this week and told I was too cheerful in the mornings and I wasn't normal!
All in fun and jest mind you. I've always been a morning person. Funny thing is, I'm a night person too.
(long as it's before 2 a.m. ...then it's
Morning people are special folks. They are up before the whole world finishes dreaming. And, here's the special part, they (we) are happy about it. To me, it's just so awesome to rise at the crack of dawn, drink two cups of coffee (maybe a POT), wash three loads of laundry, read the paper, feed the dog, fix Torey and Allison's breakfast, (Joie never ate b'fast) and dress for success all before the short hand ticks to the 7.
Joie was NEVER a morning person though. I got on her LAST nerve! I guess what I am trying to say is that I love waking early. Always have and I guess I always will. I function better in the morning. So, how bout you? You do mornings or nights better? Lemme hear from ya on this one!
WHO'S UP!!?? Who's sipping/drinking/gulping their coffee, tea, or water this morning? ME!? I'm having the chocolate macadamia nut coffee again with a shot of Rich's Coffee Rich.
It's soooo good too! Hope you guys have a blessed and wonderful MORNING and rest of the day too!

Morning Randall and friends!
I've typically been a later night person, but in the last six months I've really felt encouraged to get up earlier, go walking and have a quiet time with God before I really start my day. So, in recent months I've become a morning person. I absolutely love starting my day this way now. I'm in the middle of a big job search, so I will have to see how I can work all of this out when I land the job that God has planned for me, but in the meantime... I'm calling myself a morning person!
I also have to take a moment to share that God has been so faithful in answering prayers about my job search. I have more interviews this week than I can almost fit into each day and the jobs are ones that I believe I will enjoy more than any of the others. I am absolutely experiencing that God is faithful and his timing is PERFECT.
Have a blessed day everyone! I'm currently enjoying my Southern Pecan coffee coffee and praising God!
Love ya,

Each day is a gift from God. "this is the day that the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it." I love the morning's. I think you probably rise and shine well before me. I wake up at 6:00 every morning. then wake my son up for school. We get ready and I drive him there. He preferred's to fix his own breakfast, always has almost from the beginning. I remember when he was about a 1-1/2 years old, he would say I do it. He always loved to cook~I'm sure he will end up being a great chief some day. No coffee for me any more, But I sure am sippin' my ice mountain. I'm about to make me a cup of this black breakfast tea~yummy
Hope you all have a great day., with the Lord always in it.
God bless you,