Felling Afraid needprayer
Hi I had surgey on the 10th of march. im doing good i just have been griped with fear. I keep felling like something is going to wrong and im also wondering if i did the right thing to the lord. I feel alone in this cuz i dont know who to talk to. I dont want to live afraid! I did this to be healthy. But now I'm so scared!!! Please if any has experianced this orhas any advice I would so appreciate it also please pray!
Eliza, I pray that these words will settle into your mind, emotion and spirit.
2 Timothy 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
I pray that you will see this surgery as a gift from God and that He will be with you through it all, even if you do have complications. He will be there!. Satan is a joy sucker. He wants to rob us and steal our peace. He is thrilled when we are fearfull. I should know I have let him just have a hayday party with me. I am raising a 13 yr daughter who just scares the crap out of me!!! I am so caught up in fear that I know it is hard for her to see my love. I have been overreating to every thing and letting fear overshadow my mind. I am meditating on 2 Tim 1:7 and asking God to take away my fear and replace it with His peace.
Somethings are not under our control, but ALL things are under His control. Did you feel like you had His blessing on this surgery? Or did you just do it without prayer. I am asumming that you prayed and felt that He was blessing it. If you didn't pray about the WLS or if you prayed and felt in your spirit that He said no, and did it anyway, than go to His feet and confess your mistake and ask Him to forgive you and cover it with His blood, just as He promises to do. He loves you and wants your life to be full of His grace and joy. He wants to you run to Him with everything in prayer.
I know I made a big decision one time that I did not pray about, I knew in my spirit that He would say no. Once the decision had been made, the fear was overwhelming because I knew that I had screwed up and pleaded with God to forgive me and withhold His punishment. He did forgive me and I was so grateful that He showed me mercy, everything worked out ok, I think only because I was truely repentent. That was a huge lession for me and I will never forget it.
Look up other scriptures on fear and meditate on those. God bless your journey. Love J. Marie
Hi Eliza!
First of all...AMEN to everything J. Marie told you. Fear does not come from God. Confusion also does not come from God. Right now, with you being so early out of surgery, it is so easy to become overwhelmed with all of the new changes and new feelings you are going through. Your body is learning a whole new routine! I am not just talking about your stomach either. A lot of this surgery is mental. Follow me here...the fat cells are linked to hormones...and has a lot to do with the way we feel. Your body is going through a lot right now in more ways than one! Do you have someone at home you can talk to....a support group in your area...someone you know that has had the surgery? What about family support? I hope that you are getting the support you need. You are going through a lot right now. Feel free to email me anytime if you need to talk about something....or are just feeling low...or anything. [email protected] is my email. We are all family here...so vent and share any time you need to. Just remember...Satan is trying to play with your head and mess things us for you. YOU are more powerful than Satan! YOU are God's precious one. He holds you in the palm of his hand...knew all about you before you were ever conceived. You will be just fine...and that is going to make Satan really mad!
Take care,