Facing Surgery on Friday/Prayers please:)
Well, it seems I have to have surgery on Friday afternoon for these kidney stones. I know that God is still good, and there is a reason, but there is still 1 1/2 days to pray for a miracle!!!!
I was shocked when they told me I had to have full anesthesia, as I thought it would be a quick IN/OUT procedure, but no, I have to spend the night and everything. Yucky, and I am bummed.
My God is bigger than this mountain, and if anyone says to that mountain be moved, then it will be done, In My name...
I walk by faith, and if the devil
thinks he can throw this at me and expect me to waiver, then I am not moved!!
Please pray for quick and painless recovery, and I hope I will be updating here on Friday I had no surgery, and there are no stones!!
Praisin God Always Still!!

I am also agreeing with you in prayer that you will be healed in the name of Jesus. I pray that you will have a quick and painless recovery. I pray that God guides the hands of the Surgeon and his team. I pray that God will calm your nerves. You are a Child of the most high God! He is in control of your situation and every situation. He will see you through......he will be right by your side comforting you. I will keep you in prayer. May God bless you always!
Take care,
Hey Deb!
Sorry you are still having to deal with all this pain. As for the surgery, well...I know it is a pain....but if it gets rid of YOUR pain...well...praise God for it anyway....LOL. He provided a means to end your suffering...even though it may not be what you expect. I will continue to pray that you will pass those things in the meantime. Please let us know how you are doing.
Take care,