Whaddya Say?
1 Peter 3:15 says "...always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have..." Are you ready? Can you give the reason for your hope to someone who never read the Bible or knows Jesus as Lord and Savior? We're admonished to do this "with gentleness and respect". I personally become irritated with the "knock 'em over the head with condemnation" tactics some use, I think they drive folks away attempting to "convicting them" of their sin. (Isn't that the job of the Holy Spirit?) We have a group that pickets outside a bar (across from the local laundry) and harasses customers with signs "Repent and Be Saved" etc...and tracks...which usually end up in the gutter or in the laundromat. I was doing some bedspreads recently and found myself doing a slow burn, one guy was so brazen he came into the laundry and started harassing folks in there until the owner chased him out! I'm hoping I gave better witness by helping a young mom with 3 "active" children under the age of 5 and about 1 month's worth of laundry.
My first time to this board.
Bless you Denise!
I agree with you completely, and you are correct. More people will "see" Christ through our actions than from those who are "hitting them over the head" with their "religion".
My brother-in-law's sister and her husband were won through the life example of my brother-in-law! He did not beat them over the head or hand out tracks either.
Wonderfully put Diane!!