looking for a place to belong
I am 40 yr old, married , have 3 beautiful children . I am very blessed in my life . I am a christian . I have`nt been going to church like I should for the past 10 yrs , the church I grew up in has turned into a business it started with a daycare and has escallated to a gym, I feel very bothered by this . Am I wronge to feel like this ? I have had a hard time finding a new church , I dont get that feeling I used to get . I am also scared of breaking down in a new church, I get a little emotional in church and try to surpress it .
I have posted on the main board and BMI over 50 board but I really dont feel like I am a part of the club so to speak.
Welcome! You have come to the right place. Just jump right in and post when you have comments or the time. I am Suzzette, 44, mother of 3, wife to one. lol Where are you in your weight loss journey? I am 2 years post op and below goal. I started out at 235 and am now 128, I am 5'6".
The gang here is very supportive and they all love the Lord which is the best bonus of all!!
My insurance has an exclusion policy to WLS or anything WL related so untill we can get some changes in that area I will have to go at it the diet way. I have a Dr. appt friday he is going to see what he and the other dr. in his practice can come up with. We`ll see .
I am 5`and last month 299 It was that time of the month so I hope that I have`nt really gotten up that high .
I am scared to go back to the dr. alot has happened resently so Im sure I have gained. My brother died 3/4/06 of lung cancer, and my son had a nervous breakdown saturday.
What a wonderful job you have done on your weightloss . Thanks for the reply
Welcome Cathy! The group here is good support and share a love for the Lord. Hope you will join us often.
I don't really have an answer to your question, I think lots of people would identify with some of your comments. Churches do have a sort of culture of their own and sometimes you can grow apart. Doesn't mean you are wrong or they are wrong...
I often get emotional in church too
I am prone to be weepy when I feel a touch of the Lord which I often do. I just take a keenix and let the tears flow. For me that can be part of worship.
Hope to see you checking in when you can!

Hi Cathy!
Welcome! I can relate to some of the things that you were talking about. In fact, not long ago, we had a little discussion in the posts here about churches being too big, and not getting time to speak with the pastor, etc. As for the other boards...I know what you mean about that too! Here, you will never have to worry about whether you fit in. I have found this to be the most welcoming place on OH, and I love everyone here. They are simply awesome friends. We have what we call our own little small group going on here, so feel free to jump in anytime! I look forward to getting to know you! I also have 3 kids (so far) and we are a Navy family. Keep in touch!

Hi Cathy, I am sure that the Lord has a church home for you. A place that will minister to you and a place where your talents and abilities will minister them. I would encourage you to pray and maybe start asking people what they love about their church. This message board is awesome. Come here and fellowship with us!!!! Love J. Marie
Good morning Cathy!!!!
I am a little late on reading your post, but I some what feel your concern. I didn't use to belong to a church until after I got married and then we joined a really nice church. I had gotten very comfortable to the point where I didn't mind showing emotion in church. We were there for over six years. One day God had put an itch under my foot and the only way to scratch it was to move my feet on the ground. I began to feel as if I didn't belong at my church home anymore. I began to feel as if I was an outsider. I prayed really hard to God to please give me an answer as to why I am feeling the way that I am. One day I got my answer. A church is a family and like all family there comes a day when the children grow up to an age to where it is time for them to move on, to scratch the itch at the bottom of their feet. We have grown as Christians to the point that it is time for us to share our gifts with other believers and more importantly non-believers. Like your children at home, one day you like to see them move out and grow as adults. Make choices and see them get up and stand tall after falling down. We can only grown if we have room to grow and maybe you have run out of room to grow. Ask God to please give you an answer and then listen for an answer. It may be to move or to stay, but either way let God direct you and you can't go wrong.
God bless you Cathy and what ever do!!
Love you from your brother in Christ,
Hi Cathy. I too want to welcome you to this Christian board. It is so important to be a part of a group of believers. I hope you find a church to your liking. It took me many years of looking to find the one that is right for me. I too get weepy, but then so does our pastor, so no one minds at all! God bless and keep you, Cathy.