Yippee--I have a surgery date!
Congratulations on your surgery date JeanMarie!!!!!!
I know when I found out about my date I had all different emotions and feelings going crazy inside me. The main ones were excited and relief. I was excited that it was definately going to happen and I was relieved because I finally had a date. I could start really planning everything out. But, I am sure if you asked most people on this board would they would say that the feelings that you have are definately normal.
So, sit back, relax and enjoy this journey, your weight loss journey. Remember, that God is in control in every situation. You are going to be just fine. You will be on the "Losing" side soon. May God bless you always! I will continue to pray for you.
Take care,

Congratulations on your date!!! I understand EXACTLY how you feel. Just about a year ago I was experiencing the same thing. I will keep you in my prayers. Let me assure you however, that WLS is one of the best things I've ever done. Now, ten months later, I've lost 122 pounds, I'm no longer diabetic, no longer have high cholesterol and I have so much more energy. This has certainly been a gift from God. I wish you well. Let me know how you're doing as you progress through your journey.
God bless you!