Friday Morning Coffee Talk
SHESH! I'm still sleepy! I could go back to bed and sleep another 2 hours! I hope you all slept good!
So! Who's up? Who's sipping/drinking/gulping their coffee this morning? Is it loaded/unloaded and by that I mean caffinated or decaf (not liquoredup
). Flavored/unflavored? Or are you sipping on tea? It don't matter, your still welcome to join the coffee crew! C'mon! Let's hear from ya this morning! This is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it! Love you guys and have a wonderful and blessed Friday! Randall 

Yep, I'm up as usual. Had my alarm set for 5:20 am and when I staggered out of my bedroom I found my oldest daughter in the bathroom throwing up. Poor baby! No school today and it is supposed to be picture day. Oh well. I hope everyone has a very blessed day!! Looks like I'll be taking care of a sick kid today. Oh, I've had my coffee, loaded with splenda and creamer. My usual.

This is a beautiful day God has given us. Every day that we draw breath is a present from God.
It's a protein drink for me. Crystal Light Sunrise mixed with Vanilla Unjury.
I love the smell of coffee but so far I have not been able to tolerate drinking it.
Keep smiling everyone. It's a blessed day to be alive.
Kathy from MO
PS. I had dental work done yesterday and I woke up at 4 am with the urgent need to (I apologize for this image so early in the morning)
. All I had was dry heaves. Has anyone else experienced that after dental work?
Kathy from MO

Good Morning!! My, you keep early hours, Randall! I do well when the sun gets up with me, but don't expect much when it's dark!! Well, I am trying to get down a chocolate protein drink this morning. Seems lately that they are hard to tolerate, tummy and tastewise. But I have a hard time getting enough protein in otherwise. Had a cup of coffee earlier, too, leaded with 1 tsp. of fructose and 1/2 and 1/2. It takes me half the morning to drink that 3/4 cup. I like cold coffee, tho. This weekend, my DH's brother and his wife will be coming in for a week or more, and on Monday my brother will be flying in to stay a week and check out a business to purchase here in town. So it will be a busy place around here, and I am rejoicing in the time to visit with loved ones!! Especially my brother, whom I love so much!! You all have a great weekend!! Kathy B.