Wednesday Prayer Chain
Matt 11:28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
I was reminded of this verse when I was reading Dawnya's post. So many times we try to do things our way and by our own means. It is only when we realize we can't do it that we give it to God. We need to be a people that automatically hands everything over to Him the second we are faced with it. These burdens aren't for us to carry. Jesus told us to give them to Him and He will give us peace.
What are your prayer requests for today?
My requests are:
1) My DH got a letter from unemployment that his past employer hired a lawyer to demand he pay back $3000 of the $$ he got. They claimed he deserved to be fired therefore should be penalized. (this is totally seperate from the other $1500 that he is owed)
2) Tomorrow is my 2 month surgiversary. I pray that God continues to give me strength to "press towards the goal".
3) My daughter has had the runs for 3 days now. I pray that she is simply having a stomach bug and nothing more. We do not have health insurance so any sickness could be devastating financially.
Hi Dawn...
My prayer request for today...and every day for a regarding my hubby. He is up for orders.(navy) I am unable to move because of a custody situation...and besides that...don't really want to anyway even if I could because my church family is here. They want him to move and take a job that technically he is not qualified to take...though he has done it before so they are really pushing for him to do it again. My prayer is that a door will open here at home, so that we will not have to live several years in two separate states.

I am thankful for the prayer chain that we can present our needs and agree together to see Gods will done in our lives. For our good and His glory!
I have a praise report. the Lord has this very day answered a very big need in my life and I feel like shouting about it!!! God is so faithful and merciful. I just want to praise Him for this answer to an almost desperate prayer.
My prayer request for today is for healing. My back has been bothering me and also for the past 4-5 days I feel like I can't catch my breath. Not sure of it's my blood pressure. I am on meds for HBP and I'm hoping they won't have to up the dose. I'm pretty sure I'm just tired and need to catch on my sleep.
God bless you all!!

Dawn, I am standing with you!!
We walk by Faith, not by sight, and the other verse that is repeated throughout the entire Bible, is The Righteous shall live by Faith!
As for the stomach bug for your daughter...its going around here, sinuses can be a major culprit this time of year, draining into her belly, causing diarrhea, so sometimes just giving them claritin, which is okay for kids...just read the labels, my 2 yr old neice takes it, might actually help her runs. Don't give her juice or gatoraide, its a proven fact they can cause diarrhea even more. Try flat soda or sprite, pedialyte, but keep her hydrated.
I understand the job situation. My husband is retiring from the Air Force and we will go from a good salary to less than 1/3 of what he is making now!! WALKING BY BIG FAITH! He has not been called by an airline yet...but are hopeful!
I really have heard lots of stories lately of Christians in the same situation, so I feel we are being called to a deeper place with Him, and He is wanting to prove Himself really big to all of us!
We are going to rent again I think, the mortgage will just be too high an interest rate to justify it. I hate the idea of renting...again, but I think GOd knows my heart, so I am asking to walk in His will for us there.
I will be looking at 2 kids in college next year too, and my older son goes to Oral Roberts U. and now the younger wants to as well, so I am jsut asking God to provide the means, loans, cash in the mail, selling of big houses, to cover expenses for the boys! Its been tough with one, so now wtith 2, it is a total Faith WALK!!
Love you Dawn, your sweet spirit shows through, and I know God has the best in store for you yet, and not to be anxious, and cast your burdens. Those are the words I am leaning on now!
Take care,