Wednesday Morning Coffee Talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! I hope you all have a great day!
Who in the world left the "frigerator" door open??!!??
It's cold here this morning. It was in the low 70's here yesterday and this morning it is 32*!! BRRRR
S'pose to warm up though!
SO! Who's up this morning? What cha drinking? COFFEE? Tea? Water? Hit don't matter! You are still part of the coffee crew! Is your coffee loaded/unloaded? Flavored/unflavored? C'mon! Let us hear from ya today! God bless each of you today is my prayer. If you are sick, having surgery, or just getting started, whatever you have need of know that I am praying for you. Yep, I pray for everyone on this board! I may not know you, I may do, but God sure knows you and knows your need. He's faithful. OOOPS! Didn't mean to get started there! You know me and know a preacher! If it's in there, it's gotta come out!

My drink of choice is the strongest coffee I could find mixed with a packet of no sugar added Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate with added Calcium.
I also tend to put a Splenda in it occassionally. It makes me feel like I am having some wonderfully delicious dessert coffee. If I am feel particularly bold, I may add some steamed milk and make myself a Hot Chocolate Latte. I actually started the day with a diet pepsi, my first in six months. I decided it wasn't as appealing as it used to be so I am just going to cut it out of my diet permanantly.
Gotta go,
Susan Holland