Extra Prayer Please
Hey Everyone, I just updated for the Tuesday Prayer Request, and I really need some extra prayer!
My husband needs a job, he is retiring with no offers yet from an airline for an interview.
I still have kidney stones after being rushed to the hospital Friday night by ambulance. I am so nauseous and in pain from these stones. I am sick of being on pain meds, and I do have an appointment tomorrow with the urologist. Please pray for these to pass quickly.
Our mortgage has the "appearance" of falling apart, but I am not moved by what I see or feel, but I walk by faith, so I am believing this will work out. The full details are in the Tuesday Prayer Request from Dawn.
Thanks so much my brothers and sisters in Christ!!
I am standing and will keep standing and after that, stand some more!
God Bless you for praying, and may you have your prayers answered 30,60,100 fold!

We serve an amazing all powerful God that can work wonders we never dreamed possible.
Not that you have; but never doubt the possibilities of our Lord. All He has to do is speak it and it happens.
Satan thinks that he can take potential blessings and crush them before we can get them. Well, satan is a liar and a looser. He lost power over sin, over death, and over the grave. And right now, by the precious blood of Jesus I claim that he has no power over your health, your finances, or your living situation. To GOD be the glory!! I am going to praise Him in ADVANCE for the marvelous things that He is going to do for you and your household!!
PS. I always cut and paste to microsoft word to check for spelling errors before I post anything. Get this...they said that satan should have a capital "S"...yeah right!!!
You are in my prayers. My husband and I are going through a similar situation. In regards to your "mortgage having the appearance of falling apart", I too know this feeling. As a matter of fact, my husband and I are entering a period in our financial life where both he and I have to walk by faith. To be honest with you, I don't know how we are going to make ends meet. We have only God to depend on. I feel at peace trusting in him that he will supply whatever it is that we need. God bless you and your family.........you are not alone in this.
Blessed be his name!