Tuesday Prayer Chain
2 Kings 20:5 "...I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; surely I will heal you..."
I feel compelled to continue what we started yesterday. Think about before you were saved. If it weren't for someone stepping out in faith and telling you about Jesus you would never be where you are today. We need that same boldness. How many unbelievers are out there that just need to hear the gospel?
1) Let's continue our list of friends and family we want to see come to Christ.
2) Please post any request that is weighing heavy on your heart.
For me:
friend, Kevin
friend, Kim
friend, Linda
We should be hearing the decision on the $$ owed to Nick today. During the interview the woman was very disrespectful to Nick. Please agree with me in prayer for an intervention of the Holy Spirit to work out a miracle.
That God will reveal to me the times that I should spend in communion with Him that I don't
Dawn, I agree with you in prayer for the friends/family you named and for the decision on the money owed to your family.
My daughter in law called Sunday that she was coming to spend spring break with us, which we are always happy to have her and our grand children. But she also brought a friend of hers and that lady's 4 children. She said this lady needed to get away because her husband died 9 months ago and she could not face spring break there at her home alone with the kids. Pray for me that I will look on this as a blessing and not a pain in the rear. They came in late last night and I have not even met the visitors yet but my husband called from the house and I can hear LOTS of kids in the background. (flashbacks or PTSD from when my boys were all home
) Truthfully, I am too reclusive I know, pray that I can be a blessing to this family who have lost their father/husband.

Good afternoon Dawn and everyone else,
Dawn, I just want you to know I appreciate you for starting this prayer chain, My husbands sermon Sunday was on Prayer and the importance of prayer.
mine today are:
my sister Sharon
my SIL Laurel
my aunt Vicky
2. my fight with the insurance company to be over soon and I can be a loser too very soon.
Thanks again and God Bless Regina
I don't know if you have this or not, but this is a great book to help you with your prayer request: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1565075331/ref=pd_qpt_gw_1/103-1498499-2015827?%5Fencoding=UTF8&v=glance&n=283155
2 Major Prayer Requests
1) My kidney stones still have not passed, and I am in a lot of pain. My back is really hurting, and I am miserable and suffering, but still Praising My Lord!!
2) My mortgage for our new home (townhome) is up in the air after they said it was okay. I really believe this is of God, we are purchasing a new townhome from some people who were called to be missionaries to Costa Rica, and they are selling everything to move. My husband is retiring from the Air Force, and this is perfect for us until he can find a job with an Airline (3rd request) and this would be a blessing to so many people involved in the transaction.
3) My husband is waiting to hear about an interview with FedEx for a pilot position. Please pray God's will be done, and everything will go smoothly.
I love you all, and I will keep lifting the needs I read.
PS I go to the urologist tomorrow, and hopefully he can give me something to help the passing of these stones!

#1. Jason
Nick & Sue
That they would all come back to the Lord.
#2. That my daughter would get good transportation so I can have my car back. I need to get back to work. For me to get a job that will pay me the amount I made before I wasn't able to work anymore.
Praise report: My son Danny Has started going to mid-week services. Yea.
God is healing my body. I am down 140 pounds and can do things that I havent been able to do in many years, and some things that I have never been able to do before. THANK YOU JESUS!

Thank you, you are all in my prayers.
May God bless each of you.
Love you,
Annette L