Good Morning! Hope this finds everyone doing well and on track today.
Now, I just wanted to say that I am NOT the only one who can do these roll call questions. When you get here in the mornings and I have not posted roll call yet, then by all means go ahead and do it if you want to!!
Questions for Tuesday:
1. What is your middle name? Does it have any special meaning?
2. Are any other members of your family obese? Was your family supportive of you having WLS?
3. Where are you in your Weight loss journey?
4. What color are your eyes? Hair? (natural) Name one thing YOU like about yourself.
Good morning all! I hope everyone has a blessed day.
1. What is your middle name? Does it have any special meaning?
Anne, my mother's name is Anne.
2. Are any other members of your family obese? Was your family supportive of you having WLS? Yes, several members of my family have weight problems. My mom was very supportive and she was the most important one, other than my husband.
3. Where are you in your Weight loss journey? I am 3.5 years out and doing okay. I've gained about 5 pounds from where I like to be but am doing good.
4. What color are your eyes? Hair? (natural) Name one thing YOU like about yourself. I have hazel eyes (I guess, they have some gold in them) and my natural hair color is hmmmm about a medium to light brown turning gray. I'm now a red head.
I like that I feel good about myself now.

As far as roll call goes, it seems to me that one person will do it daily in spurts. It was Lynda for a while, then I took over for about 2 months, then it got spuratic for a while, now your the roll call girl.
1. What is your middle name? Does it have any special meaning? Miriam. It was my grandmother's name. She passed away when my father was only 8 years old. He found her dead in bed when he came home from school.
2. Are any other members of your family obese? Was your family supportive of you having WLS? My father is obese. They are more supportive now than preop. Of course the people that care about you most will be the most scared.
3. Where are you in your Weight loss journey? I will be 2 months postop in 2 days (16th).
4. What color are your eyes? Hair? (natural) Name one thing YOU like about yourself. Hazel eyes, light brown hair. I always liked my nose.
Hi Suzy Q and all who stop by today! Hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday!
1. My middle name is Kay. I think it is one of those 'filler' names to go with my first name
However my little grand-daughter was named after me and has that as her middle name too now. My first name is the same as my grandmother (Eugenia).
2. the majority of my family is not obese. In fact most of my aunts are petite. My sister is overweight and one brother is overweight the other quite lean. They were supportive but concerned. My parents are deceased and my mother's problems with weight leading to diabetes leading to heart diseas and kidney failure was one of the main reasons I had surgery.
3. I am 4 1/2 months out and a little over half way to goal! Slow but sure...
4. Eyes and hair dark brown except quite a bit of grey now...
Hmmm, I have always enjoyed my sense of humor but it has got me in trouble in the past
You are all a blessing to me!

Questions for Tuesday:
1. What is your middle name? Does it have any special meaning?
My middle name is Monique. My mother is half French and she gave my
brother and I both French names. Suzzette Monique
2. Are any other members of your family obese? Was your family
supportive of you having WLS?
I have a sister who is very big. And both my grandparents on my
mother's side were obese. My family were all very supportive of me,
maybe a little worried, but supportive.
3. Where are you in your Weight loss journey?
I am a little over 2 years out. I am below goal and doing very well
4. What color are your eyes? Hair? (natural) Name one thing YOU like
about yourself.
My eyes are Dk.Hazel and my hair is Dk. Brown. I like like my laugh.
Good afternoon everybody,
1. What is your middle name? Does it have any special meaning? Michelle and no I dont think it did, my first daughter now has my middle name as her middle name also.
2. Are any other members of your family obese? Was your family
supportive of you having WLS? Almost everyone in my moms side and my dads side are obese, all my siblings are obese so yes it runs thick (he he he) nobody is really supportive but after a year of praying my husband is finally supportive, and thats all that matters to me.
3. Where are you in your Weight loss journey? pre-op, I am fighting ins. (please keep me in your prayers on this subject)
4. What color are your eyes? Hair? (natural) Name one thing YOU like
about yourself. My eyes are green, hair is med. brown and I know this sounds stupid but I have always liked the shape of my lips.
thanks Regina