Prayer needed..
Hi guys! I just wanted to ask for a prayer in regards to my upcoming surgery. I do pray that His will is done in my life, and I should not be anxious for anything. However, as the date draws near, I seem to be getting a bit ansy. I'm more worried for my parents, than myself. I know the Lord's hand will be on me, but just pray that my parents have the same peace as I have. Thank you so much!! Be blessed!! ~Mary
Dear Mary,
My parents were much more nervous than I was when I had the surgery. I am believing with you that the peace of the Holy Spirit will fall upon you and your parents and that you will be comforted as only the Holy Spirit can comfort you. I pray that your parents will see the importance this is for your life and come to an understanding and peace that they have not had before.
I bless you as you go into your surgery and pray that the doctors and medical personnel will move with wisdom and insight so that your surgery will be uneventful. I pray that your recovery will be quick and you will grow stronger with each passing day with a testimony to God's greatness and power!
As a parent, I'm anxious when my children get even a minor abrasian or illness....your parents love you and want the best for you. That's just like our Heavenly Father....even more so. I pray just now that the Holy Spirit's presence would give peace to your mom and dad and that God will guide the actions of your surgical team.
Blessings, luvitsunnyv