What did you do this weekend???
I had such a great weekend. We went rollerblading at Kent lake, and walked the nature trails. It was great! I haven't been able to walk the trails in a couple of years. The swan's were nesting. We got to see one lay her eggs. There was another swan couple building their nest. It was amazing to watch them working together. The Gobi's(sp?) would perch right on our hands to eat seed. They like walnut's better than seed. I saw a grey squirrel for the first time in my life. Maybe it was just getting old. We also saw a squirrel that was grey and red~awesome! We took the "long" trail. It didn't seem that long to me. It was only 2 1/4 miles. There was a part where we came to this rather steep hill, I didn't think I would be able to make it to the top without stopping, but I did and I wasn't even out of breath. It was funny because I climbed up the hill and was standing next to my daughter looking over the lookout thing(don't know what it's called) when she said ok where's mom and started walking back to the hill. She was surprised that I was standing right beside her. I Am so happy to be living again, instead of just existing!
May God bless you all,
Love ya,

Hi Annette!
What a wonderful weekend you had! Isn't it awesome the steps you are making? Day by day...little by little, we are discovering life again. Wow! It is incredible, and makes me appreciate it more. I can't believe it when I look in the mirror now. I still have a ways to go, but I came so far so fast already!
I am glad to hear you had such a great weekend! That sounded so relaxing!
We hung around the house this weekend. I was supposed to get a break while my kids visited their dad, but he found out that one of them was sick so he did not want them to visit. Really hard to explain to your kids...but they should be with me anyway...cause I am the mommy...and a nurse...so it was just fine with me. I did get outside for a little bit on Saturday so I could cook on the grill. There is nothing like cooking pork on the grill and having pulled pork sandwiches with carolina sauce! It was so yummy...and nice to have a little bit of a change. We eat a lot of chicken here...LOL. I think we will have leftovers tonight...LOL
Have a great day!

It sounds like you have a wonderful time. I didn't know that squirrels were any other color but grey. I guess that's all that live in Jersey. Isn't God the best artist ever? Who else could have taken the earth that was "without form and void" (Gen 1:2) and make it so beautiful and majestic?
What did I do this weekend? Sometimes that days all blend together. Saturday I went to discipleship class, out to lunch, and back home for the rest of the day. Sunday I went to church, then to Wal-Mart, Home Depot, and Lowe's to find a nice rug for our living room floor. Lowe's had the best prices. Then back home to doing laundry and watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition.
Hi Dawn,
Isn't that funny. I never knew there were grey squirrels. We have red squirrels, and black squirrels here in Michigan. The black ones look like velvet. They are beautiful. There are many more red ones than black ones. I hope you enjoyed your class, lunch and shopping. Did you find a rug? I'm not sure yet but,we might be in Jersey city sometime in may, so my grandson can visit his Nana.
God bless you,
Well, what did I do this weekend??
Saturday my oldest son had his first baseball game of the season, so we went to it. They won 6-1. I was your typical father, cheering him on and knowing more then the coaches. MY wife and I took turns watching the game and chasing our 22 month old son. After that we went to a birthday party and then went to my wifes' brothers house and hung out and watched the kids play till dark. Sunday we went to church and then to my mother in laws for lunch. After that I went to visit my Dad in the hospital and then went to visit some friends from church. I had a great weekend. Really hated to come back to work.
God bless ya'll.
Hi Kenneth,
Sometimes I hate to see the weekend end. Baseball, sounds great. Congratulations to your son and his team on their win. What a way to start the season! Kid's are great. I'm glad you were able to spend time with them, and have a god time. How is your dad doing? It's always good to visit our brothers and sisters in Christ. I know it helps to keep me in line.
God bless you,

My dad is doing better. He has been moved to another hospital that specializes in helping patients come off trachs. He stiil isn't able to talk yet, but he will after they get the trach out. Hopefully they should be starting PT this week if not today. I hate it that I haven't been able to post much lately, but between my father, my wife having surgery, and life in general, I just haven't had time. I still keep ya'll in my heart and love to read some of ya'lls post. Thank you for asking about my father. God bless you.
Annette, your weekend was really neat, thats wonderful that you are hiking and climbing steep trails and enjoying the sights and sounds of the great out of doors. From your description I'd say you were at a wonderful place to enjoy the day!
My weekend was fairly quiet. We did drive over to the stable where our new foal is to take pictures for the insurance company. The rest of Saturday was mostly chores but they were outside chores so I enjoyed that and it was a lovely day. Sunday was not so nice at all and the wind was blowing pretty hard. I did not even know about the terrible fires up north of us until I heard about it on the news this morning. while I was sitting (reading) yesterday and thinking how much I detest sand storms my sister called from some where on the coast in Massachusetts where she was looking out over the coast and having coffee with friends. some quaint place where the streets are narrow and the doors open right onto the street. I was saying "beem me up an over to there for the day!"