let's start a prayer chain
Hey all~
I was sitting on the couch and got to thinking. We should have a prayer chain here on the Christianity board. My mother called me with a prayer request and I thought I should post it here, then I thought, "Don't we all have prayer requests daily?" So starting right now I am going to start a daily post for prayer requests. All that I ask is that if you feel led, please read over the requests and pray for them.
My requests for Thursday:
1. a 19 year old coworker of my mothers is dieing of cancer. He has asked for prayer.
2. My DH has a phone interview with unemployment tomorrow. They shorted him $1500 and they don't want to pay it.
God bless,
**If you read this on Friday, please wait and post your request on Friday's prayer chain to insure that everyone will see it**
I'm with ya Dawn!!
1. My Thursday prayer request is for my boyfriend and I to find a "small" church where we can become members. The church we attend now is just too big for us and I want to be able to invite our soon to be pastor and his wife to my house for dinner and being in a big church doesn't give you that one on one opportunity...hope that makes sense. We were supposed to visit a church tonight but some things came up and couldn't go.
2. For my new part-time co-worker. She's a lovely Christian lady but stresses me out. She tends to stress easily and for some reason it's becoming contagious. I've already told my boss and he will be talking to her tomorrow. I pray for her not to take what my boss will be telling her in a wrong way.
3. My back is starting to hurt again. We had a small family reunion in Dallas this past weekend and since I've become a BIG KID after WLS, my boyfriend and I got into the moonwalk and jumped and wrestled like little kids. I keep forgeting I'm 26 and not 5 years old!*smile*
I love you all!
P.s. I'm praying for your prayer requests Dawn.