Who's a loser?
I went to the dietician's yesterday and she upped me to full or soft liquids. (i.e. pureed foods) The first thing I ate was organic roasted red pepper & tomato soup. Oh my Heavenly Lord! It was like pure, unadulterated liquid heaven. No joke. I could eat that at every meal for the rest of my life!!! So, I pureed some steak & mushroom soup (Progresso) and looked in the ingredients real quick: sugar!!! What the...? I was bummed and decided not to chance it. The real news of the day was that I got on the scale at the doctor's office and found that I lost 22 pounds overall.....well, including the 11 # pre-surgery, I've lost 33. Whew. I am floored. Well, that's all for now.
Jen Halliday
P.S. Called the dietician & she said that the steak soup was okay, as long as I had something else in my pouch first (like a little bit of milk). She said that because the amount of sugar was so low and it was way down on the ingredient list, it should be okay. So, maybe I'll have that today for lunch or dinner.