Daughter's School Survey
This is the first time I've posted here, a few minutes ago was the first time I've ever posted to the main board. I posted this and it got pulled because of the possibility of starting a religious debate, which is not my intention. Here's what I posted:
My daughter and I are asking for help. She is (well, she would die of embarassment if she knew I was asking, she is shy about this kind of thing) having to do this survey for bible class. She's supposed to survey random people she doesn't know or doesn't know well, who she doesn't know the beliefs of, it's supposed to be honest and totally random. If anyone would like to respond, I (WE) would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! You can send me an 3-mail if you want it to remain private. Thanks again. ~ Erika ~
That was my post. She is 13 and goes to a Christian school. Anyway, she is not necessarily supposed to ask these questions to Christians, although that is fine, she was hoping for a diverse set of answers but I can see that is not going to happen, and will be an interesting piece of information to take back to the class. She's just looking for honest answers, but sometimes some people cannot just answer a question honestly and leave it at that and sometimes some people cannot hear an answer they disagree with and leave it at that. It is really sad! Anyway, if anyone wants to participate, thank you so much! She is finding out that people who don't have the same beliefs do not want anything to do with the survey! Here is her survery, this is from an e-mail she sent to family and friends:
Hey I am doing a survey for Bible class and i was wondering if you wanted to do it??!! i need about 10 people to do it so e-mail me back the answers real soon by tomorrow!!! (thursday night)
so i am asking please???
i need to or else i am gunna get a bad grade!(not good)
i dont care your answers and i wont tell anyone what you said and i wont put ur name on it so just put your honest opinion!!
#1. Do You Believe God exists??
#2. if not why??
#3 Do you believe the Bible is perfect and without error??
#4. why??
#5 Is there a verse that confuses or inspires you??
see thats it now just e-mail me back the answers by tomorrow night!! please i am asking!! i need this good grade!!
no biggy
Thank you for listening.
~ Erika ~