Question - 1 week out
Hey ya'll. I am now one week out. I feel like I am doing well. I am still on pureed foods for five more weeks but I am doing well with that. Unfortunately, I started my monthly cycle over the weekend. Because of my stage 4 endometriosis and PCOS I have severe pain with my period. So I had to go back on the pain reliever (it was the only liquid pain reliever I had and doctor approved this). This has in turn kept me sedated and sleepy. Which in turn decreases the amount of time i have awake to eat and drink and walk. I am getting in an average of 60g of protein and 60 oz of water. I am averaging 400-600 calories a day. So here's my problem:
I have not lost one ounce from surgery date. My scale still says the same as last week.
Waaaahhhhh! Did I do all this for nothing? Please does anyone have any insight into this?????
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi Jean. You are doing fine. You are normal. Just give it a little bit of time. One week is way too early to start worrying about things. I'm praying for you. Also, as you are able to get up and around more, you will start seeing the scales start dropping. Just trust in the Lord, and do keep posting here. We will be praying for you.
In Him,

Hey thanks for your response! I had surgery about 7 years ago for my endometriosis and it was a terrible experience (pain, etc.) So, I kept putting it off and putting it off until now it has reached stage 4 again. I knew it was time but after talking with my bariatric surgeon, he said that this surgery would help correct/ease my endometriosis and that I should notice a vast difference in about six months. So, saying all that, I decided on the WLS first and then I will re-evaluate my endo in six months and determine if I still need to seek surgery for the condition. HTH.
You may not be losing weight because you are retaining fluids from being on your cycle. Also you may not lose for the first week post op because of the surgery. Be patient with yourself and remember to sip water as much as you can... That will help you get rid of any fluids that are being retained in your system.
Topweight/Surgery weight/ Current weight