Monday Morning Coffee Talk
God bless each of you today and happy Monday morning to EVERYONE!
It's time to start another week. I pray it's a WONDERFUL one. I know people hate Monday, but hey let's go out and make the best of it. At least it isn't raining! Remember what Psalms 118:24 says! This IS the day the LORD hath made.
SO! Who's up? Who's sipping/drinking/gulping their coffee this morning? Is it loaded/unloaded? Flavored/unflavored? Me? I'm drinking my Foldger's fully loaded with Kahlua S/F Syrup and boy is it good! Let's hear from you guys! WHO'S UP!?
Have a great and blessed day! Randall

I'm up and a little down.
got on the scale this a.m. and it showed a 2lb. weight gain. What gives?
I had 2 days of
so I know nothing really should have made me gain. Is this normal?
As for me today, despite the gain, I am very happy to be alive. Another day to get it right. Desperately waiting on Spring. I have started my day with 4 oz chocolate protein shake. Then it will be water. I am afraid to eat since nothing has been agreeing with me lately.
God's Blessings to all on this wonderful Monday and thru-out the rest of the week.
In His love and mine,
Debbie G.

Is it possible that your clothes made it appear that you had a gain? I know that I once "gained" 4 pounds and starting freaking out then I realized that the 1st time I weighed myself I was wearing a t-shirt and cotton pants then the 2nd I was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. Once I changed, the 4 pounds disappeared.
Dawn I wish that was the case. I know it is my time of month (haven't gotten it yet). I like to think that is why. I will be seeing my dietician tomorrow so I have to see what she says. I am trying not to let it get me down. I just can't wait to get in 100# range. Right now it seems so elusive. I know I need to have patience and I will get there. Thanks for your input. God Bless.
In His love and mine,
Debbie G.