How did you Know!!
I am very sure that this is soething i want to do and need to do for my health and my future. I am just wondering how you know that you had the Ok from GOD!?!?! I really feel that he is opening all the doors and i know that i just need to trust him in all of this! Everything that i was unsure about has been working out so well and i just would like to know how others knew it was Gods will for them? Thanks so Much and GOD BLESS!!!!
I simply pray to God to deal with me like I am a child. I ask Him to make His will for my life so clear that I will never once doubt that His hand is in it.
I went though a lot of stuff leading up to my surgery (see my profile) and I had to fully rely on God to take control. I sat in the doctor's office and while I was waiting for him to come in I just prayed to God. I told Him that I am giving this situation to Him. If He doesn't see fit for me to have this operation, make all progression stop right now. But, if this is His will for my life, make it flow so smoothly that I will feel His very presence there in the midst of it.
Hope this helps.
God bless,
Francesca - I did the same thing Dawn did - I prayed and asked for His will to be done and that He open doors if He wanted me to go through with the surgery and close the doors if he did not. Everything went sailing through and the surgery went fine and uneventful with a minor glich with a wound healing problem post surgery.
Pray and ask the Lord what He wants for you. The Holy Spirit will reveal to you what He wants for you... Remember God wants His best for you. Health and happiness...
Fransesca, like the others, I simply asked God to show me what He wanted for my life in regard to this surgery. There are so many preoperative things to accomplish I knew that if WLS was not His will for my life, then He would stop the process by closing the door to any one of the steps. Instead, the doors continue to open and sometimes miraculously. I invite you to read my profile....
Have a good day....2 Cor.10:17