* You will never beleive what happened to me:.....
My company that I work for decided to change insurance carriers. Well I'm in the middle of a second appeal after being denied 2 times. The only problem with that is that my old insurance said they can not continue with my appeal because I have been cancelled. So now I must wait to receive my new insurance cards & resubmit to the new insurance company.
I'm so frustrated
I just want to scream....
I know this is all in God's hands & I believe I have a new insurance company for a reason, but how do I not become discouraged.
Please help...
Kristi ( still wanting to be thin @ 282 lbs & NOT giving up....)

Hey, I am going to believe God for this to be HIS work and that the new insurance company will approve your surgery immediately. Forget the old company, they weren't helping anyway. I am praying for God's favor in this process, that you will have people within the new insurance company that will be moved with compassion and that you will have a great testimony of how God moved all these mountains (of red tape and paperwork) in your behalf. God Bless you J. Marie