Friday Morning Coffee Talk
Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS and again I say rejoice! Praise the Lord everybody! (Singing)... It's Friday, it's Friday it's finally Friday.
What cha got planned for the weekend? Anything big going on for ya? Me? Nah, just a yard sale. I'm ready to UNLOAD some junk! You know the old saying, "One man's junk is another man's treasure"? Well, I hope someone finds some treasure around here!
I'm sure going to rejoice as it leaves this place!!
Who's up this morning? Who's sipping/drinking/gulping their coffee today? Loaded/unloaded? Flavored/Unflavored? Me? I'm sipping fully loaded Foldgers with reduced sugar (3gms) French Vanilla Coffee Creamer and it is good!
C'mon, let's hear from you on this WONDERFUL Friday!

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!!!!!
I was up bright and early. 5:30 a.m. to be exact. Not by choice, but by my little hamsters choice. Stuart escaped from his cage and joined my husband and I in the bedroom. I never seen my husband move so fast. lol
When he finally grabbed him (he runs really really fast) he peed all over him. I laughed so hard I woke up the 3 kids. So my day is definitely starting off early.
we are probably going to change the little guys name to ROCKET.
This weekend we are picking up new coffee tables. YEAH. Than a little down time from a usually hectic week. Probably watch some college hoops. GO ILLINI!!!! Alma mater to my husband. Church on Sunday. Usual Sunday dinner.
I am already sipping my s/f koolaid. Then on to protein shake. Then maybe cream of wheat for breakfast. God Bless.
In His love and mine,
Debbie G.