***Friday's Rollcall***
Good Morning All!
I am getting off my weekly nightshift and am about to go home to get the kiddos ready for school. Randall, if you are reading this, I will be sipping on a cup of coffee very soon. This is the one day a week that I allow myself the indulgence.
I don't know about you guys, but I am up to my eyeballs in stuff to do this weekend. I'm doing a fun run tomorrow to promote ending domestic violence (I will be walking!
). Then I need to help my daughter get her report on President U.S. Grant done and help her practice. Then church. Then Sunday we are going to the Houston Live Stock Show and Rodeo for most of the day. Ugh! Just thinking about it all makes me want to
I'm too tired to think of a meaningful QOD so...
What are you doing this weekend?
I've already told you mine!
Have a great day and weekend everyone!
Love, Jacinda

Good morning Jacinda and everyone else~
My weekend includes going to discipleship class Saturday morning. Then we might go to Lancaster, PA to go shopping. Sunday DH has to preach and normally when he preaches he is exhausted the rest of the day.
Right now I am waiting for him to get home so we can go to the gym. I went to the mall and bought a scale today that was on sale for $19 regular $60. I come home all excited to see my success and there it was, staring right at me....my first plateau!!!
I haven't lost anything in 2 weeks!! I can't get upset though because I know that they are to be expected from time to time.
Have a wonderful Friday!!

Good morning all! I love Fridays!
Jacinda, your weekend sounds very busy! but fun!
Sunny, bless you--nursing care plans
Saturday we will be on a 5 hour round trip drive to pick up our new fur child. We are adopting a little boy poodle to bring home. We have enough critters around here to start a small zoo but no house pet at this time since we had to say goodbye to our beloved Holly last summer.
Sunday, plan to attend service.
The Lord has answered prayer in a big way in my sisters life and marriage. They were just on the verge of filing for divorce and I thought it was basically a done deal then she surprised me last evening by calling to say that they have decided to go to a marriage weekend thing that their pastor recommended. It will be in April. If you knew the details you would know just what a miracle this is. I am thanking the LOrd and praying that my sister will find joy and peace in this decision.
Hope everyone has a great day and blessed weekend.

(deactivated member)
on 3/3/06 2:50 am - Jonesboro, GA
on 3/3/06 2:50 am - Jonesboro, GA
Happy Friday everybody!!
We decided we will move back to GA. We are planning on that in the next couple of weeks so my husband can go ahead and start his new job. Which leaves me packing, packing and more packing this weekend, woohoo!!!
Church on Sunday of course, we missed last week since we had the flu. But this Sunday I have to tell my church family we are moving away. I am not looking forward to that. They have all been so wonderful to us! I will miss them the most. On the other hand I am soooo excited to go back to my home church and my parents can be close to our kids again. And hopefully being in GA will help work out what I need to do in order to have this surgery.
Have a great weekend! God bless~ Candy

My son's bowling team is in the quarterfinals on Saturday. I hope they have fun and do their best. Their team has some kids who are not real popular and my son is special-ed, so they get picked on quite a bit (8th grade!!) and have been nicknamed "the weirdos" by the other kids. It would be delicious to watch them win!! Then I have housework, a trip to Goodwill to deliver lots of bags of clothes that no longer fit. Sunday is church, perhaps a trip out to the group home to see our daughter. She's almost 12, mentally retarded, cerebral palsy and has serious psychiatric problems because of extreme abuse and neglect by her birthmom and then in Foster Care. She lives about 1 hour away and the visits usually leave me emotionally exhausted. If you'd like to keep her in prayer, her name is Courtney Lynn. Thanks!
I just found this website so I'm jumping on this train a little late, but this morning I am finishin preparation for a communion service I facilitate at an Assisted Living Facility on the first Sunday of every month. I will be serving communion and preaching a message on "The Power of the Blod of Jesus".
I'll be busy finishing up preparations for that today and the service is at 2:00 tomorrow.
Of course I'll be enjoying worship Sunday morning and I will be going to a support group on Sunday evening (12 step support group)