Thursday Morning Coffee Talk
Praise the Lord! What a glorious and wonderful day this is to live and serve our Saviour, Jesus Christ! I only hope that I can mirror HIS image in all I do. That should be our DAILY prayer! I heard something on the Christian radio station. Here it is, :"Show me a man that you HONOR and I'll see what kind of man you are". What kind of MAN do you honor today? I honor Jesus Christ. I want so much for people to see HIM in my life and NOT me. I must decrease so that HE can increase. God bless each of you today in ALL you do.
I over slept this morning. I'M LATE!! Gotta get the kids to school and get myself together around here.
Who's up? Who's sipping/drinking/gulping their coffee this morning? Loaded/unloaded? Flavored/unflavored?
I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day. Randall

I get up at 4 am to get to my office by 6 am. Maybe I need to start drinking coffee! I drink lots of water and iced tea. This morning I listened to an old Rita Springer CD on the commute. I love the song "Lily of the Valley" which repeats at the end "More of you and less of me, Jesus" over and over again. That is my prayer today too Randall. More of Him and less of ME! I had my 4 1/2 month check up yesterday and have lost 81 pounds. I am so blessed! God is good and I am happy.
I'm here, I'm here. Got up bright and early (though not as early as you) I already drank 8 oz protein. WOO HOO. This is so good for me since I usually can only get in 16 oz for the darn day.
I love your pray. I am going to send it to my husband. He needs to hear those words. Sometimes he gets so caught up in being business successful, he can miss the big picture. Though I keep on praying for God to make Himself real to him He believes in Christ, he just hasn't received Him yet. So thanks for the uplifting words. I too will HONOR my my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. God Bless.
In His love and mine,
Debbie G.
Randall, your post says 4:56 posted and yet you got up late!
I was definitely still snoozing at that time
... I did get up about 5:45 and got to work about 7:45. I get my coffee here after morning report. Almond amaretto latte with a splash of coffee to cut some of the sweetness. (just a small cup) Its my morning treat.
My prayer is that the Lord be honored in all I say or do today.
I'm thanking the Lord for the scale showing a two pound loss today. I have been sort of stalled out for a week or so. sure is nice to see it drop a little more. PTL!

Hello Randall,
Praise the Lord, your words of praise of our Lord and Savior blessed me tremendously. Even though I know what you're saying is true and from a personal standpoint, but it lifted me up the more when I read of your love for Jesus. OH has help me sooooo much and it's people just like yourself that encourages me to go on. I love the poem.
God Bless,
I have been studying Psalm 51 throughout these past few weeks, in part out of conviction for my unwillingness to be obedient and submissive to God in some areas of my life. Today I was bought to tears by the following: (NIV)
"You do not delight in sacrifice (my works and efforts)
or I would bring it;
you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. (I can't "fool" God, he knows my heart's condition)
The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; (take my pride, arrogance and greed)
a broken and contrite heart, (time to get down to basics and get to the core) O God, you will not despise."
I was reminded of Cain and Abel's sacrifices to God and "...But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." (Gen.4:7) I have a choice to make, giving "right" sacrifices to God out of willing submission is the only thing that will please him.
After that time bomb (gladly, my guys had already left for school and work)
I felt such a tremendous "DUH! I think I get the benefit of doing it your way!!" I drank my usual Maxwell House, but was already energized by the joy of the Lord!! God is so faithful, patient and GOOD!