I have not been here or on any board to offer my support and encouragement and prayers to anyone. I have been going thru a lot of trials in my life and have been down hearted and to be honest with you have not been putting my faith to work. First of all my brother n law passed away the week before christmas, his funeral was two days before christmas. My x husband (of which we stayed on a friendly basis because of the kids and grandkids all these years) passed away last week. It was a very stressfull week as I have made myself available at all times to lend support to the kids and his family. And now I found out my nephew (the son of the brother n law that passed away right before christmas) has lymphoma in his chest and has taken up most of the chest cavity and has grown tenicals and wrapped around his aorta and esophigus (spelling). And on top of that, one of his blood slides came back yesterday showing leukemia. Please pray for him and pray for me that my strength will be renewed and my faith will be restored back to where it use to be, I am ashamed of being so down hearted right now, even though I know its only human to get this way from time to time, its not easy to confess it when you've always been the tower of strength (or so family and friends have always thought so, they would always come to me for spritual guidance) and I would give them encouragement and turn it over to God and leave it there. But now I am having a hard time doing that. I think what has me down the most is my son's ( a long story) are not speaking to each other. They split business partners. Its breaking my heart that they are not speaking, the holidays are not the same, my birthday is coming up this month and we won't all be together. Never have we been apart on holidays, we have always been a very close family. Anyhow, please pray for me to rely on God because he is my strength, and he's the only one that can heal these all these situations. Most of all pray for my nephew that he will come to know Jesus as his personal Savior. Love in Christ, Trudy
Oh Trudy.....there is absolutely NO reason you should be apologizing!!! My goodness, you have been through the ringer!
I pray that God's love, mercy and strength pour all over you-that you are uplifted by his un-ending guidance. I pray that your nephew comes to know our lord and saviour, I pray that your sons will come to terms with each other (I know they will-it just takes time and they will come around!) And I pray for healing in your heart and in your soul. I know you must just be worn and spent. I pray that God gives you strength and courage to face the trials that have occurred thus far and all trials that you will face in the future.
Remember-when you feel alone and that there is only one set of footprints-it is then that Jesus is carrying us!
God Bless you, Trudy!
xoxoxo (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I want you to know that you are in my prayers and will be through out he day. There are no need for apologizes whatsoever. WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE!!!!!! God knows your heart. If we were to have perfect faith and a perfect life, there would be no need for a Saviour now, would there??!!! Christians are broken people who God wants to fix. Put you hopes in Him and you will never be disappointed. As for your situation with your boys...this is really tough. I know because I just went through a similiar situation. I had not talked to family or spent holidays or birthdays or even a conversation with them for almost 7 months. It was putting a huge strain on my marriage. I finally (after a lot of failing) just gave it all up to God. I couldn't, wouldn't, and didn't want to hold on to it anymore. Any wouldn't you know it. He took care of it all. Just last weekend as a matter of fact. We all had a very unexpected and tearful reunion. We just happened to be at a cheer competition for our daughters. When I mean quite unexpected is that they came from out of state for this and we had no idea either one of us would be there. It was a very joyous day. And it will be for you. Just give it up to God. He will do the rest. I am sure of it. And remember, it is in His time not ours. Keep the faith. If God is for us, than who can be against us?
God Bless.
In His love and mine,
Debbie G.
Trudy, I pray the Lord will be very close and that you will be able to have an underlying joy even in the milddle of all this. Because the joy of the Lord is your strength. I can very much identify with your sons not speaking. I have three sons and went through something similar. It really does hurt. I pray the Lord will restore relationships in in your family. Sometimes it takes time and it is so hard to have holidays and other times come and go that should have been special family times but they aren't because of hurts etc... Just keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
We have all been there! I have struggled many times in my life with my faith being tested. These times are not easy. But remember that whatever comes out of the fire is refined as pure gold! God is with you in all things. He is carrying you right now. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Let the Holy Spirit pray for you as you know not what to pray. Pray in the Spirit, he knows exactly what to say. Jesus is at the right hand of the Father right now praying and interceeding for you, his precious daughter! We are all here praying for you too. God is faithful and you will see his answers to your hearts cry. Hang on, darlin. Your miracle is on the way!
God bless you, In Christ,
Robin S.