Help--I am sabotaging myself !
Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
I am done with my entire pre-op process--drs visits,labs,psych,nutrition etc but I cannot stop eating like a cow. I can't get myself to the gym for some reason and I am feeling terrible. I want this surgery so badly and I know God does too. I need major prayer for this and for me. I am a successful woman in other areas of my faith life,so why can't I do this! I just need to lose 10 lbs before they will schedule me. They are pretty firm on paper about this but I haven't talked to the coordinator yet. Inside I am so frustrated with myself I could scream. On the outside, I am planning and acting as if everything's cool. What am I not doing right?
God bless you all and thank you Jesus for these friends........JeanMarie
Have you tried doing a liquid diet? Eating pretty much only what you would the first few weeks after surgery. I have heard of several people who lost a lot by doing that.
Honestly, I don't think that you are doing anything wrong and I will tell you why. You said that you KNOW God wants you to have this surgery. Well, if He wants you to have it, you know that the enemy doesn't. Continue to lift your body up to Jesus and ask Him to be with you as you bring Glory to His temple. Tell the devil he's a liar. Tell him that you are going to have victory!
JeanMarie, what you are writing sounds so much like my feelings pre-op. I would be so upset because I was a disciplined effective person in my work but so out of control in my eating habits. I think many of us share that same problem. I would have been in danger of having my surgery cancelled for gaining the 10 pounds I put on from when I was scheduled to the surgery date. I went on a sort of liquid diet using slim fast etc and knocked off enough not to get my surgery cancelled. It is hard! Get with the coordinator and find out exactly what you need to do and then make your plan, write it down and DO IT! It won't be easy but you can do it for the time it takes to meet the qualifications for you surgery. It will be so worth it!
Hi JeanMarie!!
Oh well I know your plight!
The only thing that ever helped me in losing, is the Atkins diet. If you've never tried it-please do. Just stay below 20 carbs per day (no sugar, flour, rice, cereal-etc) and eat meat, cheeses, green veggies, etc. The weight will drop off! It's only temporary and just keep reminding yourself of that.....remind yourself why you are doing this....TO LIVE, TO BE HERE FOR YOUR CHILDREN, TO BE HEALTHY, TO BE HAPPY, the list goes on....
I know it's hard-we all KNOW that-or we wouldn't be here, would we? My prayers are with you-that you will be renewed by God's strength to win the battle! You only have a little way to go!! YOU GO GIRL!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Call me, lets get together for coffee and prayer. Check your calendar for this Saturday am. I will be praying for you. You can do it. God is faithful and will help you. Remember to take every thought captive. I bet you are tormented by all the thoughts that don't produce fruit. The last supper thing, is that part of it? Are you fearing that this is your last time to enjoy food? Tell yourself that you will be able to eat most of these things again someday. Hopefully they won't be so important to us. Look at the before and after pictures here on this website. Get excited about your surgery, don't let anything get in the way. Like a stupid pizza or cheeseburger.
Make your food choices count for blesssings not curses.
Deuteronomy 30:19-20 (New King James Version)
19 I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; 20 that you may love the LORD your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days; and that you may dwell in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them."
God bless you and I am looking forward to seeing you soon! J_Maire
Hi there--Thank you so much for your prayers. I lost my phone and your number was in it! I am better today and feel much more empowered (from above obviously). I am on protein shakes AM and Noon with a good dinner at home. I think it will jump start me, hopefully. I am hosting a baby shower on Saturday so that day is out, but I would like to see you soon. Send me your phone number and we'll plan! Love, JeanMarie