Any Post-Op Orthodox or Catholics getting ready to fast?
Cheese can be really hard to give up. There is some indication that cheese/dairy contains hormones that make it addictive. I love cheese. Hate milk but love cheese.
I am an Eastern Rite Catholic and we follow rules of abstinence very similar to the Eastern Orthodox practice. So we give up (for then entirity of Lent):
Weekdays - Meat, fish, eggs, diary, olive oil and wine.
Weekends - Meat, eggs, and dairy
And every Wednesday and Friday during Lent are days of strict fasting. One meal per day only. No snacks. Liquids only.
This is my first year doing this as a post-op and I'm hoping the dimmed hunger from my lap-band will help me a little bit. I'm not counting on it, but a girl can dream! :D
Many blessings during this Lenten season!
I am neither catholic or orthodox, but I believe in sacrificial giving especially during this season...There is so little that I do eat, I'm not sure what God would have me commit to so I am still in may be that He wants me to commit to giving instead of withholding this year..... or, I may just commit to fasting and prayer for every Wednesday during lunch.
Blessings, Carole.

The abstaining from meat part is actually really easy for me since I'm a vegetarian already!
It's the fasting part I'm praying about. But hey, if I can't go 6 weeks without chewing anything (2 week pre-op diet and 4 weeks post-op) I should be able to handle 2 days a week for 7 weeks. Right?
Wishing you a blessed Lent,

I'm not Catholic, but our church does a 40 day fast as well leading up to Easter. We are supposed to pick one day out of the week and fast the entire day. I know that is impossible for me. I plan on fasting dinner every Friday and something material for the morning and afternoon. Probably TV or something. I believe that as long as I put down something that I put in front of God and use that time to draw near to Him it will be pretty much the same thing.
What a beautiful question!
We are so blessed in this country/world and need to remeber that especially during the holiest season for all Christians. I truly believe in serving the Lord with my heart and mind by giving more--to others, to my family--rather than giving up something. I pray that you have a truly special encounter with our Lord during this season. Love in Jesus, JeanMarie