Good Morning all my brothers & sisters in Jesus! I hope this finds you having a great Monday morning!
Today's Questions:
1. How did you find O.H.?
2. How long, after you found it, did it take you to make your first post?
3. How much of a part of your WLS Journey has O.H. played in your life?
4. How long have you been a member of O.H.?
5. Do you get the O.H. magazine?
Love you all! Have a great day in Jesus!

1. I went through a search for websites about gastric bypass surgeries, and found it from there.
2. Months! I was too afraid to post. I thought I'd sound dumb, or that my questions would be dumb, etc.
3. I can not even imagine this walk without you guys! If I try to picture it, it is scary!
4. Since July of last year (2005)
5. I sent in for it when they had that special of $20 a subscription last fall, but have not received one yet. I have e-mailed several times and they are suppose to be trying to get my subscription going for me.

Hi Cindy how nice to see how well you are doing. What wonderful pic's you put up. Congratulations on your progress so far. We are so blessed by this surgery. I hope everyone is well. I have a prayer request, but if I post it here I know it will be pulled. Since O.H. only allows 5 E-mails to go out at a time, I would like to send it to one person and have each person pass it on to one person on the board and to friends that believe in the power of prayer.
Today's Questions:
1. How did you find O.H.?
After 4 months into my journey, the place I was going through, told me they didn't accept my insurance. One of the people that worked there told me if I went to OH someone ther may be able to help me. They did.
2. How long, after you found it, did it take you to make your first post?
About a week or two. I also wasn't sure what to ask, but knew I needed to find out what to do to get approval.
3. How much of a part of your WLS Journey has O.H. played in your life?
With out the advice, help, and encouragement from O.H. I would have given up on trying to get approval for this lifesaving surgery. I'm sure The Lord led me to this site. Then when I found the Christianaty board, I thought it was awesome, but lurked for many months. I replied rarely. then one day I got recieved an E-mail from someone on this site that kind of got to me and started posting regularly~until recently, I've been going back to lurker mode, but I'm working on it.
4. How long have you been a member of O.H.?
Since Feburary of '05 (I think)
5. Do you get the O.H. magazine?
No I thought I would wait until the demand died down some, Several people from our support group ordered it, but Didn't get it. A few of them have now said they started recieving theirs.
Hi Cindy, good morning, and also to all the board here! Hope you are having a very good day. Mondays can be..... Mondays
1. I found OH because of the surgeon I applied, his office staff gave me the website of both OH and their own.
2. I don't remember how long I visited OH before posting. I was learning a lot just by reading.
3. OH has played a big role in my life as far as learning what I needed to know and getting ready for surgery, and now--for post op.
4. I think I have been an OH member a bit over a year.
5. I don't get the magazine. Maybe someone who gets it will post about how helpful it is etc. I don't think I have read an feed back on that.

Good Afternoon Cindy and All,
By the way everyone, if you haven't seen Cindy's new pics, go check them out! She looks great!!! Cindy you are truely an inspiration.
1. How did you find O.H.?
I found it after reading a billboard here in Houston. I had never actually considered WLS before I went to the OH website. I was actually disappointed when I found out what the website was about thinking that WLS was not an option for me. How wrong I was! Now that I think about it, I guess God put that billboard out there just for me.
2. How long, after you found it, did it take you to make your first post?
I really don't remember but it wasn't long....maybe a couple of weeks after I had been doing some reading of other members profiles.
3. How much of a part of your WLS Journey has O.H. played in your life?
It has played a huge part. Everyone here has been like a family to me. You all are my support group instead of going to one here in town. I like it this way because I know most of you are Christians and that probably would not be the case in a local group.
4. How long have you been a member of O.H.?
I guess about 8 months.
5. Do you get the O.H. magazine?
nope ... I get all I need right here online.
I love you guys! Have a great day!
Love, Jacinda

Hi Cindy and the rest of you wonderful Christian Brothers and Sisters. It's before 6 p.m. here on the west coast, so I'm not too late to post for Monday. It's been pretty hectic for me the past two weeks, so I haven't been reading or posting much. I do think about all of you, though. I pray for you too. Randall, I'm so glad you are posting again. I am praying for you, buddy.
1. How did you find O.H.? I really can't remember. I think I was surfing the web after my surgery and found this site.
2. How long, after you found it, did it take you to make your first post? Not very long. The topics just leaped out at me, and I just had to join in!
3. How much of a part of your WLS Journey has O.H. played in your life? It is a very important part of my journey. Because I came into WLS kind of through the have-to back door, I did not go through all the preparations that many of you have gone through prior to surgery. You all have been my mentors, my teachers, my motivators, and my supporters. I truly thank God I found this site. I just went to my second WLS sponsored support group this past Saturday, so even though I am going on 2 years the end of April since I had my first surgery, I still feel like the new kid on the block in so many ways. Thanks for being there, OH.
4. How long have you been a member of O.H.? I would say that I have been here about 1 1/2 years.
5. Do you get the O.H. magazine? No, but a friend of mine just gave me 2 issues. I am devouring them!
I guess that's it. God bless you, my dear brothers and sisters.

Well, it is now Monday evening and once again, late posting to the roll call.....
1)How Did you Find OH? I probably did a search for bariatric surgery and found the site through that search.
2) How long after you found it, did it take you to make your first post?
I particpated in the chat room for weeks before getting involved with the messageboard. Now the messageboard is my choice in communication.
3)How much of a part of your WLS Journey has OH played in your life?
OH has been a big part of my preparation for the journey....my journey to goal and beyond....and now, my support in my weight maintenance. It is also rewarding to be able to encourage others along the way....
4) How long have you been a member of OH? Since Sept. 2003
5)Do you get the OH magazine? No
I do have a prayer request: I go Friday to an endocrinologist for further evaluation of my enlarged thyroid. Please keep me in your prayers...
The sermon Sunday at church was about obeying and trusting God....guess He knew what I needed this week. Thank you for your support.