I am happy to be alive!!!
Just wanted to wish all my christains friends a very good morning. I am on such a high. Thank you Father. He is truly with me everyday. I just decided to weigh myself and my scale shows a 25# loss. I can't believe it. I kept moving the scale all over the floor to see if it might be wrong. NOPE. PTL!!!!!!
Just a few short weeks ago all I would think about how miserable I was with this weight. Felt very worthless. But through pray and God granting this surgery for me I have a new meaning. I am just so alive. I feel the best I have ever felt. I am also off my sleep apnea machine. In just 1 week post op!!! Should I be amazed?...no I just need to give the Glory to God, for it was Him who has made this all possible. God is so very very good.
I pray for you all today, that we may all feel God's blessings in our life someway. God Bless
I will get off my soapbox now!!!!!!!
In His love and mine,
Debbie G

HI Debbie!
I am sooooooooo happy for you! What a blessing to have a new life and lost 25lbs so quickly. That is so awesome. I weighed myself and I gained 3 lbs since surgery but, I was weighing with my clothing on. I am also retaining fluid still from the hospital. But, I can tell it is going away slowly but surely. Still swollen on my abdomen. But, I have no regrets at all! I am so excited to see what God is doing in our lives. May God Bless you always!
Take care!
Have a Blessed day!
MAN, THAT IS SOME SERIOUS WEIGHT LOSS, AND TO FEEL THAT GOOD SO SOON IS MIRACULOUS!! I am 11 wks post op and down 54 lbs, but still on the CPap, I am hoping to get off it in a few months and am reallly looking forward to it. I have had some depression for most of a week now. I had been on antidepressants for about 12 yrs, but had to go off mine due to problems with my liver after surgery. Today my Dr. decided to try me on a different one which is much easier on the liver. It can sometimes help with headaches too which is good, since I had to quit the Migraine medicine I had been on for 15 yrs for the same reason.
Anyway, I skipped my monthly meeting in favor of women's Bible study instead on Wednesday. It was good. Blessings!!! and continued good health.
Lesson focus was on showing others Mercy like the Lord showed to us.
Yes Pam you're right. I am going to give all the Glory to God for this miraculous feeling. I too have been on antidepressants on and off for about 15 yrs. I just recently have been cut back. It was hard at first. But, to be honest I feel a whole lot better. I know a lot of my depression was due to my appearance and how I felt about myself. This surgery has put a whole new outlook on how I feel about myself. And all the prayers from people on this wonderful board!!!!!!
Congrats on your 54 lbs. That is so wonderful for you. Have you reached onederland yet? I'm still not there, about 5 more lbs. I do have to tell you that my drs. did feel concerned about the rapid weight loss. Turns out I wasn't getting in enough protein. It so hard to get anything in when your really not that hungry. I am doing much better with it now. I didn't want my hair to start falling out. I rather have a slow continous weight loss more than anything. Good for you on ging to bible study. That always keeps us grounded. I especially like your focus - MERCY to others. God Bless. And keep up the GREAT work.
In His love and mine,.
Debbie G.