2nd Denial - - Need help
I have been denied 2 times from insurance because I do not have any underlieing (sp) problems. I don't have High Blood Pressure, Cholesteral or etc.... so basically until I have these problems they will not approve my surgery.
Any suggestions????
I have prayed about this & know this is my answer. If I could lose weight being on weight loss programs I would not need the surgery.
Please pray for me - I'm really struggling..
Kristi ( Want to be thin ) 282

Kristi, I feel for you, insurance companies really vary in what they require. Fortunately mine only required that I needed to lose 100 pounds or more. I did not have an co-morbs either, or at least that is what I thought. When I did the sleep study I was surprised to find that I did have sleep apnea and needed a C-Pap. I am wondering if you had a sleep study? Lots of us (obese) have sleep apnea and don't even know it. That is an important co-morb and if you have not been checked for this maybe you should see about that. Sounds like your insurance does not have a clause totally eliminating weight loss surgery and that is a big plus. Do they accept a psych report detailing depression caused by being overweight? How about documented back or joint pain?? Keep knocking on their door! You might also speak to your personel office or whoever is over you employers health plan and see if they will ask that this be reviewed. After all, obesity can lead to lots of health problems they would then have to treat. It totally seems unfair that most health plans will send you to treatment for alcoholism but wont treat obesity. An inpatient alcohol program would roughly be about the same as WLS I believe.
Another thing you might consider...most WLS surgeons have a special price for self-pay. I know my price was $30,000 but the self pay price is $13,000. And when I got my insurance mailing on this they paid the negotiated price of $9,000 !! Talk about a mark up! Anyway, we often pay out a car for $13,000 or more---maybe you could get this financed if you try everything else with no success.
Diets and weight loss programs did not work for me either so I know where you are coming from on this. Keep positive and I pray the Lord will lead you in what way you need to go in regard to this.
Best Wishes,
I changed insurance plans and had to pay another $400 per month to get a plan which covered my surgery. It has been worth it. Also, I typed a one page overview of my weight and medical history. I attached copies from Dr charts showing the specifics. I think this helped make it easy for them to see the proof of medical need for the surgery.
I did not want it for a long time, but after prayer God showed me he would take me into a new land like Abraham with milk and honey waiting for me.