tomorrow is the day for my wife!!!!
Well we will be leaving for Atlanta tonight after I get home from work, because tomorrow is my wife surgery date. Please pray for her that everything will go good and she will come out of this with no problems. I know that everything will be fine because God has placed it on my heart that everything will be fine. She is a little nervous, but she is ready for the surgery. I know that the only way I came out of this surgery with such good results was because of God and His power of healing. Glory be to God. It is His always.
Ya'll have a great week and weekend and I will give ya'll an update on Monday when I return to work. May the beauty of the south shine on everyone.
Love ya'll,

Prays are going up for your wife right now. I am 6 days post-op and I am (as we all are) living testimony that God does hear and answer prayers. I was nervous too. But the day of surgery I was so ready. I kept hearing over and over in my mind "Be still and know that I am God." He was placing that on my heart to calm me. He knows us so well, our fears, hopes and thoughts. He promises keeps us going everyday. I pray your wife has a successful and uncomplicated surgery, May the Lord guide her surgeons hands. May her recovery be uneventful and may He give her peace of heart and mind. I pray these things in Jesus' name. God Bless.
In His love and mine
Debbie G.
Lord, be with Ken's wife thru tomorrow's surgery. Give them both peace and surity of your love. Guide the hands of the surgeon and all who are in the OR, and protect her from any complications. May you only be praised and glorified, and we thank you Lord for you love for us!! Amen Ken I will look to hear how everything went for your wife and for you..In Christ, Kathy B.
I am lifting your wife up in prayer as we speak, and will continually lift her up in prayer. God will comfort her before surgery and after. I am 5 days post-op and I was so calm before surgery. My husband told me that it seemed I wasn't even going to have surgery because I was so calm. It was because of God and the prayers. So, I pray that she will feel the comfort and peace that I did and still do. God Bless and take care!
Ken, I am praying for you and your wife. I know you have allowed God control in your lives through your testimony. It is a mystery to me how individuals can go through this process without their faith grounded in a living Savior.
I trust you will both have God-given peace this evening and that He will guide the surgeon's hands as he performs the surgery tomorrow.