I am a loser (winner) and I am at home.....yipeeee
Hi Everyone! I am home!!!!!! First of all, I would like to thank everyone for your prayers. I was not nervous at all. I was so calm and at peace when they to me to the OR. I know it was of God and yalls prayers. The surgery was longer than usual. It took 4 hrs. But, that is okay. I was in alot of pain and nauseated. But, it was all worth it. Well...I will update my profile with all the details! Thanks for everything!
God Bless!
Congratulations Tamara!!!
Our God is so awesome. He is there for us always as he was with you before and during your surgery. He is also going to be there through all of your ups and downs. We will also be here rejoicing in His name with you and here comforting you as our Father, our Abba is always.
I can't wait to hear everything and save a spot on that loser's bench for me.
Your sister in Christ,
Great news for you Tamara. I am so happy for you...you're a loser and it is a wonderful thing. I too was nauseated but it does pass quickly. Wow your surgery was long. But thank Our Wonderful Lord for his guidance of your surgeons hands. May you always keep your eyes steadfast on our beautiful and wonderful Saviour. And may HIS peace be always with you now and throughout you life. We will have to keep each other updated on how we are doing since we are only 1 day apart with surgeries. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} God Bless.
In His love and mine,
Debbie G.
Good Morning everyone!
Thanks for all the positive encouragement! It means alot to me.
Last night was a little uncomfortable. I tried elevating my head with pillows, but still I got alittle stiff. Any recommendations? I know that everyone that is going to have their surgery that God will have an uneventful surgery. God is in control of every situation. Well, I am feeling alittle uncomfortable, but I will post more later.
God bless all of yall!
Thanks again!