*~*Thursday Roll Call*~*
Psalms 118:24 "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
I think we should individually take a moment and thank God for seeing it fit to wake us up this morning with the activity of our limbs, a reasonable portion of our health, and breathing here on praying ground. Thank Him for His mercy and grace that is fresh every day.
1. What's your plans for today?
2. What is your earliest memory?
3. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
4. If an unsaved person walked up to you and said, "Who is this Jesus, that you serve?" What is the first scripture you would take them to in the bible? (you can repeat someone else's answer if it is the same as yours)
~*~*~My answers~*~*~*
1. I was looking in the mirror and realized that my eyebrows have gotten out of control. I think I am going to jump in the shower, run to the hairdressers and get them tamed.
2. I remember getting into a car accident when I was three. I can remember the intersection, how it happened, and even what color my mom's car was (olive green..eww.)
3. Garfield and friends
4. I would start with Romans 5:8&9 "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him."
Have a blessed Thursday!!
Hello Dawn! and all the wonderful folks at this board! It is a lovely day and I am very thankful our Father gave it to us as a day in which we can praise Him and enjoy the abundant life He has provided through His Son.
My cup really is running over.
A special treat is coming up for me. We are going on Saturday to meet a little dog who may become a member of our family. We have had toy poodles living with us for years and when we had to say good bye to them it was like a family member had left us. We lost one 5 years ago and the last one in August of last year. Just recently I have started looking around for a little poodle to come and keep us company.
1. Today I am at work. After work I am going by the stable where we have our mare who is due to foal any time. Our friend had a new foal born on Monday so I am going by there to see that baby and check on our mare.
2. I remember a place we lived where there was a big porch and I could jump down several of the steps. We only lived there when I was two yr old so guess little kids can remember way back!
3. I liked Mighty Mouse.
4. I have never had that happen but I keep my Roman's Road wallet card and that is what I would use.
Hi Beautiful Dawn,
Here are my answers:
1. It is supposed to be 58 degrees today, so I just took a long walk with my girlfriends. 3 miles goes so fast when you have freinds to talk to and nice weather.
2. I can remember my mom holding me on her lap while singing an old hymn "Jesus is the one" rocking in a white lazy-boy rocker recliner. I must have been about 3 or 4.
3. John 14:6 "Jesus answered, 'I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' "
Howdy Dawn and All!
I hope you are all having a wonderful day. It has been a crazy week. I think I say this every week. Maybe my life is just crazy. But I love it!
1. What's your plans for today?
Work is over. Now I have to feed the kids and get them back to the school for a program tonight. Then bath and bed. The I'll start getting ready to go to my overnight extra job where I will be on the internet all night looking for someone to talk to.
2. What is your earliest memory?
Watching my mom walk down our hallway in her nightgown stretching.
3. What was your favorite childhood cartoon?
I remember really liking bugs bunny but I really like the stuff they have for kids now better. I really like Higglytown Heros now.
4. If an unsaved person walked up to you and said, "Who is this Jesus, that you serve?" What is the first scripture you would take them to in the bible? (you can repeat someone else's answer if it is the same as yours)
If I had the Bible right there with me, I would take them down the Roman Road to salvation.
God bless you all.
Love, Jacinda

1. I see the neurologist at 8:30am and then have to return all the CT scan films to their rightful owners. I've been taking a cat nap in the afternoon since the accident because I'm in pain and have a constant headache.
2. My earliest memory was looking into the bassinet at my baby sister and thinking it funny that she slept in the laundry basket. ( was about 2ish).
3. I liked Wiley E. Coyote and all his schemes and inventions.
4. I'd probably tell them about John 3:16 and then also remind them that Jesus is the only way to the Father. I like to use personal examples when giving testimony, so I'd talk about how Jesus changed my life more than use quotes.