Tomorrow is my big day.
Hey everbody I just want to say next time I post I will be a loser
I can't believe it is finally here. Please remember to keep me in your prayers...I am a weenie. God knows this too. Though I am very excited about tomorrow, I am also kinda nervous. Your prayers always get me through. I should be getting home from the hospital on Saturday. I have illusions of granduer. I think I going to go straight to my computer and post. Trying to keep my attitude positive. I have faith in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to get us all through this surgery. Our Rock and Cornerstone.....what else is there?! Until next time...
In His love and Mine,
Debbie G.
Yeah!!! I am so happy for you!! You are about to undergo the best decision you have ever made!! I know that God will protect you as you are in the OR. Your surgeon is not operating on just anyone, he's operating on God's child!!!
Yes, keep your chin up and your smile big. Be a living testimony of God's love and protection.
I read a quote today that made me smile and I think that it is appropriate for you as you prepare for your WLS: "The Will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God will not protect you" Isn't that awesome?? Just knowing that His protection surrounds me as I walk according to His plan for my life is breathtaking!!
God bless Debbie!! Have an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery!! We will be here waiting to hear from you on Saturday!!
"I can do ALL THINGS through Christ who strengthens me."Phil 4:13
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in ALL THINGS and HE SHALL direct your path." Prov 3: 5,6
Do you know the song THE VOICE OF TRUTH??? When we do this surgery we truly are like David standing in front of the giant, but Christ will give us the victory to make the life changes...just like he gave David victory. That giant has lied to us for years telling us we are unworthy, weaklings who do not even deserve to have our prayers answered. But that is a LIE... we are more than conquerors through Christ. Blessings Pam in Washington
Hey Debbie!
Just wanted to let you know that we will be praying for you. God is going to comfort you and renew your strength. You will have a speedy recovery. I will be a loser the day after you! Yehaw! We will have to compare notes.
Anyway, have a blessed surgery and we will talk to ya when you get home. Take care and God Bless you!
God Bless you on your journey as well. I am glad you told me about your surgery. As I am recovering on Friday I will raise you up in prayer to our Heavenly Father to protect you and keep you in His loving Grace. Just think, by this weekend, you and I will both be on the other side. God is Good. Until them my chiristian sister, peace be with you.
In His love and mine,.
Debbie G.