Good Morning my precious brothers & sisters in Jesus!!!! I hope this finds each and every one of you rejoicing in the day that He has given us!
I have already done my one mile work out and am getting ready to read the Word and start on youth center business, while I am sipping away at my protein drink!
I hope that you all have a blessed day in Jesus!
Today's Questions:
1. What are your plans for today?
2. Besides your weight, what is there in your life that you want to change?
3. What is your goal weight and how much further do you have to go to get there?
4. If you are already at your goal weight, how long did it take you and how much did you loose?
5. Do you find it hard to excercise? If you do excercise, what do you do and how often?
Love you all! Cindy

My answers:
1. Work on several grants for the youth center all day and then have church this evening.
2. I want to find the time to really study the Word, not just read it. I pray that He will show me and discipline me to do it.
3. I guess my goal weight is 150 pounds, but that is at the very top of my healthy weight range. That is the goal that I am shooting for and then I will go from there as to where He wants me. As of today I have lost 126 pounds, so I have 189 more pounds to loose.
4. n/a
5. Yes! I love to be active, but I don't enjoy the effort of excercising. When I play racquetball, with someone, that's FUN! I like excercising with company and not by myself. I have also been doing the 1 mile work out by Leslie Sansone: Walk Away the Pounds. It's a one mile work out but walking in your home. I have been trying to do it at least three times a week.
Love, Cindy

Goodmorning everyone! I have not been around on the board for a few days, and it is good to read all the posts. I was really in somewhat of an emotional slump, and than I realized that I really needed to get in my vitamins and calcium. The vitamins were the worst, and I just could hardly gag them down. But I found if I crush them and put them in some of that liquidy yogurt stuff I could do it! So within 2 days I finally got a jolt of energy, and actually did some housework and vacuuming and still had some energy to go on. Guess for a nurse I had been quite foolish in thinking I could let the vitamin issue slide. But I was so nauseus just trying to get in the protein and water! I have learned a lesson. And I have a ??? for you. Does anyone take the isotonic vitamins, and where do you get them? OK, QOD's. #1. I will be doing general clean-up in the house, than working in the home office on taxes, and paperwork. #2. I am a terrible procrastinator. I lack organizational skills when it comes to managing tasks/time. I am very educated about it, and could teach someone else, but carrying thru with it myself is difficult. It is a lifelong project, this one!! #3. My Dr's goal for me is 141#. I am 5'5" tall. My goal is 135# I began at 245, and am now at 222 at one month post-op. So I have 87# to go to my personal goal. #4. I don't like exercising much, as my legs and hips are not right, and it mostly hurts me. But I have been doing the bands for my strengthening. I also have a rebounder that I do stepping on and some bouncing once in a while. Have to work into more than that as more wt. comes off and the hips won't hurt as much. Our little town of 1300pop. DOES finally have a small exercising gym and some equipment that I will check out this week. If there is anything that I can use, I will probably sign up, and the accountability will surely be helpful. I hope you all have a wonderful day!! Kathy B.
Good Morning Cindy and all! I too hope everyone has a blessed day in Jesus! Here are my answers for the QOD:
1. I plan on going to my Ladies' Bible Study group this morning. We are doing Beth Moore's study The Patriarchs.
2. I do want to grow closer to the Lord and have a closer relationship with Him. In the process, I would like to quit worrying about money. We are doing fine but I just find myself worrying about things. Especially now with taxes.
3. I was never given a goal weight by my surgeon. My goal was to get into the 170's. I'm 5'10" tall so I can handle that.
4. I lost weight for the first 18 months to 2 years. After 18 months I did not lose much more. I did get below 170 but that was because I was going through something and was not eating. I gained 5 pounds over the holidays and am having a really hard time getting it off and keeping it off.
5. I find it extremely hard to exercise. I would like to join Curves (that is about all there is around here, no gym) but can not afford to at this time. I do not like to exercise by myself. If I had someone to exercise with me I would be more apt to do it. The times I enjoyed exercise was when I was a member of a gym and did the aerobics classes.
Everyone have a great day!

Good morning friends, I hope that everyone has a beautiful day!
Today's Questions:
1. What are your plans for today?
rest up from yesterday! I had a Valentines brunch for my bible study friends. We had a ball, but I'm pooped out!
2. Besides your weight, what is there in your life that you want to change?
I'm in the middle of a critical job search and I need to find a job soon. I've had many interviews and know that God has a plan, but I frequently feel a little defeated these days.
3. What is your goal weight and how much further do you have to go to get there?
I've never weighed less than I do now as an adult. I think I want to get to approx. 130 lbs. I'm only 5'1, but I will see as I get closer. My primary care Dr. says she'll be pleased if I can get below 160, so I'm well on my way! praise God!
4. If you are already at your goal weight, how long did it take you and how much did you loose?
still working on losing!
5. Do you find it hard to excercise? If you do excercise, what do you do and how often?
I walk 1-3 miles every day Mon - Fri and try to get in one day on the weekend. I'd like to be working out with weights some at a gym, but that's out of the question until I get a job!
Have a blessed day everyone!
before WLS/ current/ goal
294/174/130 or so??

Good morning.....and it is certainly a beautiful day so far here in So. FL.
Today's QOD responses:
1. What are your plans for today?
I'm going to walk and listen to my Chrisitian music. Then, I will be studying for a Logic's exam tomorrow. Since DH and I didn't get to have dinner on V
day because of my class we will enjoy a nice, quiet dinner this evening.
2. Besides your weight, what is there in your life that you want to change?
This is a difficult question....I have so many human imperfections, but I know that God is still working on me.
3. N/A
4. If you are already at goal weight, how long did it take you and how much did you lose?
I was at goal (134#) in less than 6 months, losing 94 pounds. My weight loss slowed but continued and my total weight loss was 1/2 my presurgery weight: 114# total.
5. Do you find it hard to exercise? If you do exercise what do you do and how often?
As I kid/teenager I hated gym and organized sport activities. As an adult though, I have always enjoyed walking. I started walking the day I got home from the hospital. For the first six months my exercise was daily and quite extensive. At one point I was walking 6 mi. a day and three times a week riding my bicycle 14-16 miles at a time. Because of the weight loss I cut back to exercising three times a week and spending 20 minutes each night using bands and 5#hand weights.
I hope everyone has a tremendous day....

Good morning Cindy and everyone else,
The Lord is so good. No matter what He will never leave us or forsake us.
You are doing awesome with your weight loss, and exercise Cindy. How are you feeling?
Today's Questions:
1. What are your plans for today?
I'm checking the boards, getting my Grandson ready for school, then have an appointment with my P.C.P. to have my labs drawn for my three month follow up with my surgeon. Then pick my daughter up from work for her break, then come home fix dinner, then roller blade.
2. Besides your weight, what is there in your life that you want to change? My whole is life and attitude is changing. I want to go back to school. I'm not sure what classes I want (need) to take. I do want to help people that are super morbidly obese, and be an advocate for the obese. I'm not sure how to go about that. Anyone have any suggestions? I will talk about W.L.S. on April 18th to a group of people considering this surgery.
3. What is your goal weight and how much further do you have to go to get there?
My goal weight is 148 pounds (that still leaves me overweight).
I believe I need to lose another 108 pound's~by the grace of God I will do this.
4. If you are already at your goal weight, how long did it take you and how much did you loose?
See above answer
5. Do you find it hard to exercise? If you do exercise, what do you do and how often? I find I am loving to exercise! right now I have roller blades on my feet, getting ready to go a couple of rounds on them. I also walk, do crunches, use my fitness flyer, and work with the pliates ball, and 3 pound hand weights. I love exercise induced endorphins.
Thank you for the questions.
God bless you all,
Love Annette L.
Hi Cindy,
You're doing so good with your progress. You are really an inspiration to us "babes".
1. I have a boring day today. My DH has to work at one job from 8am to 4pm then he has to go right to his second job from 4:15pm-9:30pm. I guess I'll be busy being a mommy today since Madison has a cold and every time she sneezes she puts snot all over her face.
2. I have so many things I want to change I can't even begin to single out one.
3. According to OH my weight for my height should be 160. I would be content with 170. I have 122 pounds to go.
4. n/a
5. I used to be like some of you and hate to exercise alone. Anymore I realized that this is about me, not my friends. I have to do this for myself. Currently I have been going on my elliptical machine for 30 mins 4 times a week. I'm going to try to up that. I have also seriously considered joining one of our local gyms within the next week or so. Each one offers a free session with a personal trainer. I know that I can really kick my weight loss in gear if I keep moving.
Have a great day!
1. What are your plans for today?
I am home today, washing and cleaning and really fun stuff like that!! NOT!
2. Besides your weight, what is there in your life that you want to change?
I am working on some personal issues that God is dealing with me about. Making changes in our lives can be sooo hard sometimes.
3. What is your goal weight and how much further do you have to go to get there?
4. If you are already at your goal weight, how long did it take you and how much did you loose?
I started out at 235 just a little over two years ago. I am 5'6" tall and my surgeons goal was 150. Last August I was down to 130. And a couple of weeks ago I was 126. But, I was sick and wasn't eating much due to a sore throat and am now back to 132. My weight fluxuates between 130 and 133. SO, I guess it took me 18 months to reach my goal.
5. Do you find it hard to excercise? If you do excercise, what do you do and how often?
If I am completely honest with you, I will have to say that I have not exercised at all. Nada. None. There may come a day when I have to start doing something to maintain, but so far I have not exercised once.
Hello Cindy, and everyone here! It is so neat to come here and share with you all. I get encouragement and hope to encourage others.
1. Plans for today??? Well, I am at work so I am trying to get all my tasks done to the best of my ability
After work I will probably do a bit of house work. DH meets with his church mens group on Wed evenings so I will have a few hours alone till he gets back.
2. What to change besides my weight? well, first of all I would like to be more systematic in my Bible study. Then I also want to get more organized at home. I had been sort of 'slug-like' for a few years and I had let things slide that need attending. I am already working on that! Lots of new energy!
3. My weight goal is 138. I am now at 195 so I have 57 pounds to go. I hope to be at goal by my wedding anniversary in August. Just a goal to shoot for, if I'm not I will get there a bit later.
5. I find it hard to do specific exercise although I am very active both inside and outside. I walk quite a distance daily in my outside chores. I know it is not the same as purposeful type exercise so I hope to do more of that in the future.
Good questions--Makes me think about goals and what I am doing to get to them!