Okay Dawn
Hi Katrina. I just updated my profile by adding the July 4th picture so that I could refresh my memory on how to resize pictures.
I assume you store your pictures on your computer. The key is to resize your picture BEFORE you add it to the PhotoBucket. Open up the picture you are trying to add to your profile using a photo program on your computer; such as, HP Photo & Imaging or Adobe Photo Shop. Resize the photo to approximately 4x6 inches. Do a File Save As and give it another name. Be sure to keep the quality high so that the picture definition is clear and not grainy. Once you have the picture renamed and resized, NOW bring it into your PhotoBucket program.
I assume you know how to add the URL from PhotoBucket to your profile page. If you still have problems, email me and we'll see if we can walk it through together. Good luck!

Hi Katrina. Yes, we did have a good lunch, but we missed you. However, Teresa said that you probably wouldn't have been able to get to the lunch even if you had wanted to because of the problem with the drawbridge. Theresa, Patty, and I were the only ones who showed, but we had a good time. We all agreed that we want to do it again. We're not sure when. Maybe in a month? It really just depends on who wants to pick a time and place next time. We all agreed that we like the informal type of get-together. I'd much rather it be a "want to" rather than a "have to" with set dates and times and locations. Know what I mean? I sure hope to meet you one of these days.
Do let me know if you need more help with your picture. I'm not an expert in the slightest, but I'll help if I can. God bless.