Wed. Roll Call
Goodmorning everyone! I pray this is a blessed day for all of you, remembering our Father's love for us, and looking for his glorious appearing! Questions for the day: #1. How close are you to having your '05 taxes done? #2. How long after your surgery was it before you were able to do much walking, as exercise? #3. What was your first "eating-out" experience after your surgery like?
#1. I finally made an appt with the CPA on the 21st, so I will be done than. I have everything that has been put in a special folder over the year and in categories, so all I have to do is add up some things, and hand it in. #2. I am still working on that at 3 weeks out. It has been awfully cold here, and that's hard on my hips, so I have been putting it off. Also can't take the pain meds. I used to take for my hips, so that makes walking a painful venture. Hope as time goes on, and the wt comes off, that won't be such a problem. #3. That will come this Thursday night at a going away dinner for a Dr. at work. It will be at a Mexican restaurant, so I figure I will have a number of choices that will work. Or, my DH said I could scoop a bit of food off of his plate.
Hi Everyone! I have gathered everything for our taxes and I just need quiet time to sit down and figure them out. I haven't had surgery yet, I am waiting on the results of an appeal due to be decided on March 15th............would appreciate all your prayers. I pray you have had a blessed day.......we sure have. My whole family is recovering after a bout of the flu, and we all feel better today. PRAISE GOD!.
Hi Kathy!
1. We have used Turbo Tax for the past two years and this week we plan to buy it, so by next week we'll probably have our taxes done.
2. I was using a walker and could only make one lap at a time in the hospital. When I got home, I continued to walk with my walker 6 times a day for five minutes each to get in my 30 mintues a day, to now I no longer use a walker & I am playing racquetball and able to do a mile work out (slowly)! All Praise to Jesus!!!!
3. I think it was Wendy's chili. It was very good!
Love ya', Cindy
Hi Dawn, Bless your heart! But, I don't know why they changed my picture to this one. They did it with out me knowing! This one doesn't have the "before" pic in the corner. I don't know why they changed it! They used one of the other pictures from on my profile and cropped it down and used it here. Ummm, I wonder why?
My legs? They are doing wonderfully! They still don't look very nice, but what legs do at 344 pounds! But they sure feel better! Thanks for asking, Dawn. I see you're doing fantastic too! Isn't this tool absolutely amazing!!!! I thank God SOOOOSOOOOSOOO much for it! God bless you! Love, Cindy
Hello my WLS sister!!
I'm am glad that all is well for you. I seem to be getting along pretty well myself. God has been so good!! When hasn't He really? I don't know how many of you remember my financial difficulties last year but God has intervened and blessed us once again. The first part was when I humbled myself and went to the welfare office to apply for food stamps. I got a letter two weeks ago that we were approved and to come pick up my card. When I got there they gave me the card and said that there was $771 on it!!! Secondly, and also to answer question number one, we will have $3,800 deposited into our checking account Friday from income taxes. Thirdly, as most of you know my husband was fired from his job Dec 19 and DENIED unemployment. We found out yesterday that he WON his appeal and in the mail today were back checks totaling $3000!!! Needless to say, this weeks tithing check is going to be big!!
1. We went last Tuesday and will have the money on the 10th.
2. My surgeon cleared me to use my elliptical as of this Monday that just pasted. I did 18 mins on Monday, and 25 mins yesterday. I'm shooting for 30 tonight. It is too cold to walk here.
3. My friend called me about a week and a half ago and wanted to get out of the house. We drove around for a bit and she got hungry. She asked if I would be able to eat anything from Denny's. I wasn't sure but we went anyway. I ended up getting a cup of chicken noodle soup and only eat the broth. I think that since I can eat just about anything now that I might encourage Nick to take me out for Valentine's Day.
Love ya,
Hi Kathy and everyone!
Hope everyone is having a great day!
1. my husband gets the stuff together to take to our tax lady. So far he has it all out on the table and all his tickets and stuff that he has to add up. I encourage him to please get it done...last year was the first year in several that he did not file an extension~~ and we will get money back. but I don't gripe too much because I don't want to take over that job!
2. I think the first week when I walked around I sort of stooped, and the second week was better and the third week lots better and I could walk standing straight about that time. I had one of those long incisions.
3. It was at Olive Garden and I ate so little that the waitress took off the charge for me having a salad! But those few bites were great!
Good evening everyone. It's been a good day...I got the laundry room cleaned while I was waiting on my new home office furniture to be delivered. That was my birthday present from myhusband. I'm so proud of it.....
1. How close are you to having your 05 taxes done?
Taxes are my husbands thing....he gathers all the "stuff" and presents it to tax accountant...we don't usually get it to him before March.
2. How long after your surgery was it before you were able to do much walking, as exercise? I started walking routinely the day after I got home from the hospital. I walked twice a day from the front door to the road a couple of days....then I walked up and down our street for a couple of days....then around the block....then a mile and by the time I was 2 months out I was able to walk 6 mi. a day.
3. What was your first "eating-out" experience after your surgery like? Ah...I remember it well. It was January 18, barely 4 wks post op and we had gone to my son's to celebrate my husband's birthday. We ate at this wonderful steak place....or rather THEY ate a this wonderful steak place and I had a cup of french onion soup. However, it took my as long to eat that soup as it did the others their steaks.
Good questions. Have an enjoyable evening.
Hi Kathy! Hi everybody! Well, it's not as late as it was last night, but it's still late in answering these QOD's. I hope you all had a good day today. I sure did! The Lord is so good. I just praise His holy name on high!
Questions for the day:
#1. How close are you to having your '05 taxes done? Depends on my husband. He does them with Turbo Tax. What a neat program!
#2. How long after your surgery was it before you were able to do much walking, as exercise? I am 5 1/2 months out, and walking is still my form of exercise. I'm not ready for the other stuff yet. I started walking in the hospital. Since I was there just shy of 3 weeks, I'd say that I started getting up and walking after about a week and just kept going little by little with a walker. I still used a walker at home for a couple of weeks, and then I graduated to using a cane and my husband's arm. then I used just my husband's arm. I still like to use my DH's arm from time to time because I liked being close to him! I try not to to think back to those first few days after surgery, but when I do, I am truly grateful and amazed at how far I have come. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
#3. What was your first "eating-out" experience after your surgery like? Foodwise: boring. I think I went to Shari's for breakfast with my DH, my older son, his wife, and their two sons. My DH and I shared his meal. I was done after a few bites, and I just sat around and watched them eat. However, since this was my second surgery, I knew what to expect, so it didn't bother me. I just enjoyed their company.
Well, that's it! I look forward to hearing all about all of you at the next roll call. God bless and keep you.