Hi Candy! Sweet thing - you match your name!
Thank you!
I had a similar experience on a roller coaster - I didn't fit and had to get off- so humiliating. I asked that question because sometimes we feel like we are the only ones that have had those kind of experiences and feel so alone. That is why I am so thankful for all of you that we can share and be comforted by one another, encourage one another, and pray for one another.
I am keeping you in prayer - how are things going? I love you!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
(deactivated member)
on 1/24/06 7:54 am - Jonesboro, GA
on 1/24/06 7:54 am - Jonesboro, GA
It is helpful that others can understand and relate. Not that I want anyone to live like this! I have a migraine today, so I haven't done too much. Business is hard. But God is good! thats all that really matters, right?
I love you too Lynda you are so uplifting and special!! I was just thinking about how e-mails are like blessings, the more you send the more you recieve!!
Happy birthday again, I hope to go skiing with you someday!!
Love, Candy

good afternoon everyone.. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lynda
that is so cool that you are skiing.. i went once to Utah and was scared to fall and not be able to get up, lol. thanks for posting roll call.
QOTD.. 1. What was one of your "fat" embarassing moments? i "interview" families to get state help and one Hispanic family didnt know i was Hispanic and they started talking about me in Spanish.. the child was making fun of my weight and how fat i was, and the parent kinda laughed and agreed... then i spoke Spanish to them and i agreed with them. but i was horrified, i know kids are nothing but honest, but it was embarrasing and it hurt me lots.
2. Your favorite birthday? my 15th was my favorite, i had a quiceañera and a trip to my homeland, Nicaragua for 2 weeks with my Mom.
3. Your favorite foods right now. i have no fav food at the moment.. i eat because i have to, to have that "full-feeling". at this point everything smells much better than it tastes, haha. God bless..

Cee Cee, my dear sister!
You are a sweetheart! Thank you so much for the Birthday card! That really made my day - I sat here and cried at your kindness and love.
Your quiceanera sounds like it was wonderful. I have nephews who are Hispanic and they are my favorite - we tease each other in Spanish. I was hoping my brother and his wife would have a girl because I think those quiceaneras are so neat!
I can relate to how food smells better than it tastes. When someone in my family is eating something that smells good I ask them if I can hold it smell it for awhile. They get a kick out of it but it seems to satisfy me because I know I wouldn't be able to eat it.
I am praying for you and I hope you are feeling better. Again, thank you for your kindness my dear sister! I love you!!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8

Thank you my dear Letty!!
Ok, another embarrassing thing I have experienced! Booths!! Like I said I am so glad I asked that question! It is almost like perging of bad memories!
That is fantastic that you are smaller than you were when you were 10 years old! Amazing! You are such an inspiration to all of us! All your pictures are so cute - you could be a super model!!
I like asking everyone's favorite foods because it gives me good ideas. You are obviously a seafood, hot sauce, Mexican food kind of person and those are all my favorites too! I'm a Mexican at heart! I know that as I get further along that I will be able to eat my spicy food easier but right now I have to take it easy!
I love you and pray things are going well for you, your son, and your boyfriend!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Hi Tonya!
Thank you! I read your profile - you are gorgeous!! Your wedding dress was stunning! I am originally from Idaho so we just moved here last year. I miss Idaho but I am really liking it here and thanking God for His providence in my life. One of things that I am thanking Him for is the wonderful bariatric doctors in Salt Lake. Thanks for saying Hi!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Lynda, I am so glad to see you here today, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I have been praying that your kidnay stone problem has "passed", and for good!! Wow, what great news on the board today, yes? I know we all needed it. I am doing well. I am surprised that I am no more energetic, but want to sleep late, than nap mid-morning again!! Can't get up much motivation. I did start my eating journal today, tho, and wt. and measurements, ect. DH had a day off, and has been playing with GOOGLE EARTH on the comp. all day so I just now got a chance to log on. here's my answers to the qotd. #1. I was dating an airforce boy back when I was in highschool. Agroup of us went to a company party, and some jerk saw us all come in(there were a couple of us girls kind of heavy--I was 160# at the time), and he said "George, what did you do, round up the football team?" I wanted to smack him!! George was so gallant, and said not to give the guy a thought. Said he didn't have a near chance with such beautiful women, and he just proved his stupidity. What a guy, huh? #2. Had to really think about this one! Most of my greatest surprises,etc., were on other occasions. But the year I turned 40, my 18y/o daughter gave me a surprise birthday party, having done all the cleaning in the house, the cooking and all when I was at work. It was very special mainly because of how loved I felt by my children to have done it!! #3. My favorite foods right now are all the things that I can't have!
I guess it would be the soup I make out of the vegetables, etc. that my husb. has made in other dishes. I mix a bit with crm. mushroom soup and water and blend, and wow, that's good! Kathy B.