need prayer!
I am sending in my "details" the ins. com. wanted today... i am a little reluctant though, I have been so gung ho from the beginning and didnt really have anyone behind me, I have been denied 3 times 1st because i didnt have the 6 mo. history so I did that and 2nd and 3rd they said the dr.s notes were not detailed enough, so now I have tons of details, my problem is, at church last night I was told by a couple friends, ones who I thought had gotten on board in my support, that maybe i am trying to beat down a door that God has slammed shut and that maybe I shouldnt pursue this anty further....I am so confused..The thing is I had come to peace with everything a couple weeks ago because my husband has been so against this but thru fervent prayer, he has finally come around ans actually talks about it now, I thought that the reason i had been denied before was God "stalling" a little to give my husband time to come to terms with it...I just need prayer for guidance and to hear what the Lord is saying....I dont want to be out of his will.....thank you Regina
Please don't let what people at church say discourage you. Satan is at work in the church as well out of the church. If God doesn't want you to have this surgery, He will close the door and you won't be able to open it. If you truly have turned this over to God, then you have nothing to worry about. God will put us through test all the time. All those turn downs might not have been for your husbands benefit, as much as they were for yours. God might have put you through a test to see just how strong you are. Just when you start to get a little stronger in the Lord, satan will try to still that joy from you. He will try to break you down. That is just what he is trying to do. Don't you dare let him do this to you. I didn't care if anyone was behind me with this surgery, as long as my wife was. With out her support, there is no way I could have done it. If you have your husband's support, then I would just not worry about what others say. Satan is trying to get you to doubt what God has placed in your heart and it seems that he might be doing just that. Place your total trust in God and ask Him to give you an absolute answer on this surgery. He will do just that. I won't promise, but the Bible does promise and that is what you should be listening to. God be with you and your husband.
Regina, lots of people don't really understand this surgery or they are fearful of it or both. When it comes to what is right for your life I believe you should hear for the Lord for yourself and now that your husband is coming around to accepting it I that is what really counts. Lots of people run in to opposition from their insurance on this surgery and if they all took that as a 'sign' then a big percentage of people would never have this done at all. In my opinion this is one area where you have to find God's will for yourself and go forward. I had quite a few express their doubts about me having surgery, but I definitely felt this surgery was an answer to my prayers. I have not regretted it one day.
I believe that when God "opens" or "shuts" a door, He either opens it wide or Slams it shut.....He is not a "teasing God" and leaves the door 1/2 way......
I agree with you that whatever these delays have been for it is His perfect timing of things and we He may not desire us to know the details....just the fact that we remain faithful and trusting in Him.
God knows your heart.....God knows your prepration and God knows the needs of you and your family. His timing is perfect.
God bless you.,