PTL!! I am home!!
Hi All~
I am home and well. Thank you Lynda for keeping everyone updated on my progress. Yes, it was a long day last Monday. I had to be at the hospital at 11am and I woke up in recovery at 8:40pm!
I also want to thank everyone for their prayers. They were much appreciated. Every day I felt stronger and better, I know it was nothing but God. By His amazing grace I was able to have the pain killers removed from my IV on the 3rd day!! I have only taken pain killers to help sleep, not because of any pain.
Another praise!! I went to church today!! 6 days post-op and in church!! Praise God!!
I posted some photos of me in the hospital for your "entertainment"; just scroll down to the bottom of my profile to see them.
Love you all!!!
So happy to have you back on the board. I missed you. I showed my daughter the pictures of you in the hospital. I thought I should warn her about the tube up my nose. I am still trying to prepare myself for that one My surgery is in 36 hours! I am very excited. God bless you Dawn with a rapid recovery. Love Josanne
I wish you all the best tomorrow as you take your first step to a new life. I'm 7 days post op now; I haven't weighed myself yet, but can you believe my wedding rings are getting too big already!!! Keep this thought in mind (it really helped me): "Tomorrow will be better". It's true too. Each morning you will feel a little more strength.
I wish I could tell you not to worry about the tube in your nose, but I can't, I hated it! At one point I had a panic attack because of it. Nurses came running in my room and everything. My heart rate went up to 156! I had woke up and the tube was all full of mucus and my other nostril was stuffy too. I felt like I couldn't breath. Then when I went to move all the tubes and lines to different things I was hooked up to were all tangled on top of me. I started freaking out! But, the next day was better!! Actually, the next hour was better, the nurses got permission from my dr to remove my tube.
Make sure you have an angel that can keep us informed of your status!!
Love ya!
Dawn, Kathy here,and so glad to know you are home and doing well!! YOU did better than me by getting to church today. I stayed home,and rested and slept most of the day. I did call our pastor to have him let the kids in my class know that I am doing well and that I will be back next Sunday. I am always so touched by their prayers and concern, and I didn't want them to worry. My DH is going back to work tomorrow, tho I wish he had a few more days to recoup from his terrible allergy attack. He thinks he is ready tho, and will try to go carefully. (That's a strange concept when he is a health care provider), and all the charts and catch-up work will be there for him as well as all the new appts. Sometimes I wonder what is wrong with our healthcare system, that people are stressed to the max. Oh well, didn't mean to vent, just thinking of my DH's health too. I am up late, trying to get some more water in as I post. I really don't like waking up thirsty, and than only able to "sip". So I thought I would try to really hydrate before bed tonight and see how that goes. Well, Dawn, I am so praying for your full and speedy recovery. Can you believe we've really made it here? I am still having a hard time seeing the reality right now. And today I began to get quite emotional, too. Just so grateful to have come thru, and have this chance. You take care now. Do you have some help at home with those darling children of yours, so that you don't become overwhelmed? My surg, was laproscopic, but I have had other major surgeries with large open incisions, and know the challenge involved. Please accept all the help others offer, and give yourself adequate time and rest to heal. My prayers are with you, Dawn. You are a lovely and special sister in Christ, Kathy B.
Well, Nick will be here to help me since he is unemployed at the moment. He does go in for a job interview tomorrow to be an aide in a group home. Basicly, he will take care of adults with special needs. The plus is that the clients live on campus so there is a ton of overtime if he wants it.
I'm having trouble with the water too. Not that I don't like it, only I can't seem to get in enough. I bought Propel so at least it has some flavor.
I go to the doctor tomorrow for my first visit, I can't wait to see if I lost anything yet.