Just wanted to share my thoughts.
(deactivated member)
on 1/19/06 11:18 pm - Jonesboro, GA
on 1/19/06 11:18 pm - Jonesboro, GA
I was journaling my thoughts about the Culpeppers. It has touched me and I know many of you also. God Bless you all!
01/20/06 Joie Culpepper past away this week. I did not know her or her husband. Something about their story brought people together on the web-site like I have never seen. Could it be that we can relate to them. Is their family like ours. A mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend fighting for her life. A husband desperately clinging to any signs of hope. Not ever giving up. I'm sure he thought he would be the one to go first. She held on for a many days. So many prayed. I prayed for a family I had never met before. Actually the night she pasted I had prayed for her and her husband before bed. Then I woke up around 3:00am and thought of them again and prayed. I wondered if God would keep her here with her family or take her with Him. Either way she wins. But it sure does hurt those left behind. It's true Gods ways are higher than our ways. And when He calls us home it is time to go. He is good, faithful, merciful and sovereign. We have to trust in Him in all things, even death. For haven't people been dying since the beginning. How can that help Randall's broken heart? I guess only God and time can comfort him and bring him the peace he needs to carry on. I have seen people leaving lots of messages on the the message boards about this passing. About not taking life and family for granted. And it's true we don't know when we will go to be with the Lord. It is possible we could leave our families here at any given moment. I guess my question is how? How do we not take this life for granted? There are so many things competing for our attention and time. We give ourselves to these things for many different reasons. Like if we don't take the time to work and pay bills we could loose the roof that covers our families heads and feeds the mouths of our children. If we don't take the time to wash clothes and dishes and clean the house God has given us our we being good stewards? Somewhere there is a balance. How do we find it. How do we not get so consumed in the things of this world that we forget whats really important. Joie didn't know she was going to die and leave her husband and children. Randall didn't know that the surgery he had to save his life would end up meaning more now than ever because now he has sole responsibility. Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Nobody but God. I think we are all just doing the best with what we have. Trying to make it through each day. Some better than others possibly.
I don't know that I will never take the important things for granted. But I do know my God has a plan and a purpose. I know that He died that I might live, be it here or there, I will live. His blood promised that for me and everyone that would accept it. I don't know any mother that would say , OK God take me away from my children. I do know that I, as a mother, know that these children belong to God. He will never leave them or forsake them! He will not leave Joie Culpepper's children either. It will be painfully hard but not impossible.
Oh dear Jesus, teach me your ways. Fill me with your spirit and your love. Please Lord help me to live and to treasure the important things in this life.
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/06 1:02 am - Jonesboro, GA
on 1/20/06 1:02 am - Jonesboro, GA
Hi Ken! Hows your wifes process going? I miss GA, say hi for me! lol
Candy, all I can say is AMEN!!! You said what so many have probably wondered for so long, myself included!! I appreciate your words, they are by far the most comforting I have read or heard in a week or so. Praise God that you have been given the gift of the pen, or in this case the keyboard! Thanks for your words of wisdom, they are also words to live by.
In His Love,
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/06 12:57 am - Jonesboro, GA
on 1/20/06 12:57 am - Jonesboro, GA
Thank you Stephanie, I really don't usually have that gift, I'm not sure what happened today. Except God.
How are you feeling? It was nice to talk to you.
Still in my prayers, Candy
I am feeling good, finally feeling close to normal I guess
I am down 12 lbs and have a little energy, it is just so hard to eat since I am no longer hungry.....boy I never thought I would say that..lol. I have been thinking of you a lot lately, I too had a great time talking with you in the hospital and wanted to say thanks again for the call, what an uplifting bunch of friends I have here!! My second family, I feel so at home with you all. Thanks again and I do hope all is well with you. Fell free to call anytime, or I could call you I have free long distance
In HIs Love,

(deactivated member)
on 1/21/06 7:00 am - Jonesboro, GA
on 1/21/06 7:00 am - Jonesboro, GA
Hi Peg! Thank you for your compliments, that means a lot to me from you. Their story has really gotten to people here, hasn't it? I just found myself thinking about and praying for their family a lot. This kind of sickness and death is always so hard for us to comprehend. I know it is for me anyway. It's like our brains just can't understand and really we don't have to understand. We just have to believe. I praise God for allowing me to be His child.
oh well, there I go again.....
I hope you are doing well! Love, Candy