Good morning, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! How are you doing on this beautiful day that the Lord has made? Let us rejoice and be glad in it! I am up and so glad to have another day to worship my Lord and Savior. I'm almost out the door for music practice at church. I love to sing, and I am so grateful that the Lord uses me for His glory. I just need to get myself out of the way and let His light shine through.
I sure am praying for you all. I just read a little of the Alabama board stuff, and I think I picked up their drawl, ya'll! Sorry about that! I was trying to see if there was any more information on Randall's wife, Joie Culpepper. That whole situation has just touched my heart, and I find myself praying for her and her family throughout the day. I'm also lifting up Dawn and Kathy B. as they head for surgery tomorrow.
I wanted to make one more comment. When I send a post, it asks if I want to preview it or submit it. That word submit really hit me. I wonder how often I really submit to God's will for me? So often I fight what I know is best for me...I drag my feet. I pray that we all just get out of God's way and let Him work in us, on us, and through us.
Well, here are my questions of the day. God bless you, my wonderful family in Christ.
1. How are you spending today?
2. If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
3. What did you have for breakfast today?
4. If you see a penny on the sidewalk, do you pick it up or leave it? If you answered that you would leave it, how big a coin or money does it need to be before you pick it up?
5. I asked this one already this week, but I like it......Do you have a prayer request?

Hi everybody. Here are my answers:
1. How are you spending today? I'm going to church, spending time with my DH, reading, going for a walk, reading my Bible.
2. If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you spend it? In prayer and then saying good-bye to all my family and friends. I would do everything I could to make sure I was ready to meet the Lord. How exciting!
3. What did you have for breakfast today? Peanut butter and 1/2 banana on a piece of toast.
4. If you see a penny on the sidewalk, do you pick it up or leave it? If you answered that you would leave it, how big a coin or money does it need to be before you pick it up? I stop for pennies!
5. I asked this one already this week, but I like it......Do you have a prayer request? My DH is heading down to visit his folks tomorrow for a few days. I would ask for prayers for his safety in getting there and back home. It's about a 5 1/2 hour trip. He is dealing with helping his folks make some major healthcare decisions. His dad is 88 and has prostate cancer. He is going to have an MRI in the near future to determine if it has spread. He has been living with it for over 5 years. My DH's mom has dimentia, and we are all concerned how she is coping with life. Their home is getting pretty big for her to try to keep up, but she is so familiar with the surrounding area and walks almost every day. They have been wonderful parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. They welcomed me with open arms, and I just love them so much. I ask for prayers for our whole family as we help them go through this stage in their lives. Thank you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, for your prayers.

on 1/15/06 1:14 am
on 1/15/06 1:14 am
1. How are you spending today?
At home most likely hubby is still sleeping.
2. If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
3. What did you have for breakfast today?
Loving on my seven children!
4. If you see a penny on the sidewalk, do you pick it up or leave it? If you answered that you would leave it, how big a coin or money does it need to be before you pick it up?
Well, yes I've always picked up penny's,but nowdays it's hard to bend over so I usually have a kid do it.
5. I asked this one already this week, but I like it......Do you have a prayer request?
Haitian Elections, I have lots of family members in Haiti. They really need a change from Top to Bottom.
Well here are my answers for todays roll call.
1. Spent this am at church with my family and my church family, home trying to keep warm, reading a book by Joyce Meyers, and reviewing for my math exam coming up on Tuesday night.
2. Sharing the love of God with those whom I know who do not know Christ.
3.Coffee and two bites of a sugar free lemon pound cake my pastor brought to coffee hour.
4. I too stop for pennies. They are to hard to earn to pass up a freebie and it all adds up.
5. My prayer request is that I would be not just a reader of the Word but a doer of the Word.

Peg! Good questions. #1. I will be doing pre-op stuff for tomorrow's surgery. I will visit with my DH, daughter and son-in-law, and picking up my other daughter at the airport. Hope tp get to bed early, as I have to get up by 4:30 to shower and get to the hosp. by 6 am. #2. I would want to talk with the Lord, than all of my family and friends that I knew hadn't yet been saved. #3. Juice and water and my meds., as it is pre-op day!! #4. Usually, I will pick it up, unless my hips and back are bad. Than I tell someone else to get it !!! #5. Yes, that my surgery is completed without any problems, and for my DH and family, who are all so concerned.Also for Dawn, Patty D., and others that are having their surgery today.
Hi Peg and Everyone!
Indeed it is a glorious day - even though mine started this morning at 4:30 a.m. passing another kidney stone! The pain was unbearable so I took some painkillers. I still managed to get up at 8:30 and fix food for our "covered dish" at church, shower, get dressed, and made it to church. I am so glad I went. The sermon and fellowship were so encouraging. I am still in pain but praising God because if I had not had my WLS those stones would have caused some major renal problems down the line just sitting in my kidneys! But now that I have lost over half of my weight, drinking more water, and exercising more they have dislodged and trying to make their way out! Thank you Jesus!
Peg, I imagine your singing this morning was very glorifying to the Lord because you totally wanted it to be Him! What at blessing you are! I am going to think about what you said everytime I hit the "submit" button. Thanks for pointing out a neat visual! I love you very much and thank the Lord you are my sister in Christ!
Answers for today:
1. How are you spending today? Church, resting.
2. If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you spend it?
Saying goodbye to family and friends, telling of God's love to as many as possible, and holding my DH like I would never want to let go.
3. What did you have for breakfast today? Too much pain to eat.
4. If you see a penny on the sidewalk, do you pick it up or leave it? If you answered that you would leave it, how big a coin or money does it need to be before you pick it up? Pick it up.
5. I asked this one already this week, but I like it......Do you have a prayer request? Yes, that God would meet all my brothers and sister's at their greatest need here on the Christianity board and that these horrible kidney stones would pass quickly! My pastor prayed for me during church and after and as I was leaving church today, he smiled and said, "Lynda, this too shall pass!" He has a wonderful sense of humor!
I love you all and I am praying for Kathy and Dawn - tomorrow is a big day for them and I am praying that God will be with them and their families!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Hi Peg,
I like what you said about the submit key. It got me thinking a little deeper than that. You said that we first hit the "preview" key. There are so many times that God allows us to see a "preview" of what He wants from us, it's up to us if we are going to click the red "x" and say forget it, or it we are going to click the "submit" button. How many times has God told you, "I want you to witness to that person right there; yes, the one smoking the cigarette using my name in vein." and you say, "What? Are you kidding, they will think I am crazy." Maybe you contemplate it for a brief second, your heart races as you think of how to approach them; then you said, "Nah, I can't" and walk the other way. In doing that aren't we claiming to be better than God? We are implying that we know our own wills better than He does. And yet, we can Him OUR Lord.
1. How are you spending today? Went to church, then out to lunch, had some people come over to pray for me and now I am getting the house ready for my absence.
2. If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you spend it? That question kinda scared me. This could be my last day!! I guess I would spend it telling friends and family that I love them and for them not to morn my death, but celebrate it. I know that I will be rejoicing in heaven, so I want them to be rejoicing here.
3. What did you have for breakfast today? a cup of coffee and oatmeal
4. If you see a penny on the sidewalk, do you pick it up or leave it? If you answered that you would leave it, how big a coin or money does it need to be before you pick it up? leave it. I'll pick up a quarter.
5. I asked this one already this week, but I like it......Do you have a prayer request? Yes, my surgery tomorrow. I want prayer for both myself and my family. I pray that God will give direction to Nick as he assumes the roles of husband, father, and MOTHER while I am recovering. Also, I ask for Kathy to be lifted up as she is undergoing surgery tomorrow.
Love ya,
14 HOURS to go

Hi Peg & Everyone!
Peg, you are such a blessing! I bet you sing like an angel!
1. Church, took a nap, worked on adding 3 month post-op pictures to online photo album.
2. With my family.
3. Scrambled egg w/ 1 oz cheese & 1 oz baked potatoe.
4. No...probably anything silver!
5. For all those having surgery this week; For my sister & her family.....
Love, Cindy