Friday Roll Call
Hi Peg! I hope you will start to feel better, soon! Good questions!
1. Both
2. Evening
3. Extrovert
4. That everyone here on the board that needs a healing, will be healed, in Jesus Name. Also for my older sister, who needs a lot of prayer. We need to pray that she will no longer be deceived and that pride will crumble from her life, in Jesus Name!
Love you all! Cindy

Hi Cindy. Thanks for your prayers. I'm truly in God's hands and His perfect timing. I love seeing your smiling face, Cindy. What a blessing you are in my life, and we have never met! I am joining you in prayer for your older sister. Lord, I too pray that she will no longer be deceived and that you will soften her heart, Lord, so that she will hear Your voice calling to her in her darkness. Lord, you know her needs. I pray that you heal her, in Jesus' precious Name. Amen.
Love you, Cindy.

Hi Peg! How did your appt go? Praying for your relief and healing still. Question #1. I prefer indoor activities for the most part. Love reading, studying, crafts & sewing, etc. I do love to go camping and fishing though, but don't do very well in the hot Idaho summers!! My favorite outdoor activity is playing in the dirt!! Hope to be able to get back to gardening as the weight comes off, and my hips co-operate!! #2. I am really a better morning person when I can wake up!
!!! Have a hard time in the winter when it stays dark. But getting a good start, and having lots done before noon really boosts my mood!! #3. I am really more introverted, but lots of people think the opposite. They don't see me when I have reached my "people saturation point", and just want to go into a closet and regroup!!
#4. My prayer today is for my husband to be comforted and at peace as I go through this surgery. He has been so supportive and wonderful, but admitted that it scares him to think of the surgery itself, and how I will come thru it. All of you, have a great evening!! Kathy B.

Hi Kathy. Thanks so much for your prayers. Like I wrote to Lynda, there isn't anything the orthopedist can do to help my shoulders. The good news is that physical therapy, shots, medications, etc. won't help, so I called and cancelled my PT. Boy, was that a relief! He said it just takes time...1-2 years from the onset of the pain. I've already been at this for 9 months, so I am just trusting in the Lord to heal me in His time.
Speaking of time, Monday is almost here! I know you're excited and scared abput having the surgery. I will continue to pray for you and your DH and the rest of your family. I'm sure your husband feels pretty helpless right now because this is something he can't fix for you. I will be calling to check up on you and to post to the board how you're doing. God bless you, dear sister. I'll be in touch.