Friday Roll Call
Hi dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I think about you all so often and pray for you so many times during the day...and during the night! I am excited about what God is doing to and through us. I woke up thinking about what I want to know about each of you, so I put together a few questions of the day.
I am almost out of here to go to see the orthopedist. I am so praying that this will be the turning point for me so that my shoulders and arms get to feeling better. Thanks so much for your prayers. Just knowing that you are there and that the Lord hears our every prayer is such a comfort. God bless each of you. Now, here are my questions.
1. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?
2. Are you a morning person or an evening person?
3. Do people think of you are an extrovert or an introvert?
4. What is your prayer request today?

1. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? We all know what your answer will be to this one, Lynda. Outdoor, ski, ski! I like indoor activities: music, sewing, singing, games, reading.
2. Are you a morning person or an evening person? Morning. I love waking up with a song on my lips!
3. Do people think of you are an extrovert or an introvert? Extrovert. I love people and I love to get to know people.
4. What is your prayer request today? I am praying for Joie and Randall that Joie be returned to good health. For myself: I am praying for pain relief in my shoulders and arms. Actually, I am praying for healing! Amen.
That's it. I'd better get going. I pray too that you all have a wonderful day in Christ.

Hi Peg,
I am new here, but thought if it's ok, I would just jump right in.
1. I like both, depending upon the weather.
2. Most definately evening.
3. Probably extrovert.
4. I have recently gained some weight and I need to get it back off.
Hope you have a great day... will be praying for your shoulders and arms and that the Dr. can help you.
Hi Peg.
I do pray that your arms and shoulders get to feeling better. The Lord does hear the prayers of his children.
1. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?
Right now the weather is so mild here that I prefeer outside activities. I used to not go outside unless I absolutely had to, now I love it.
2. Are you a morning person or an evening person?
A little bit of both. I get up at 6:00am. and go to bed at 1:00am. it's kind of funny, I used to sleep for about 14 to 16 hr's. a day, now I only sleep about 5 hour's a night. I enjoy being awake and alive~THANK YOU JESUS!!!!
3. Do people think of you are an extrovert or an introvert
Most people see me as an extrovert. There are just a few that don't
4. What is your prayer request today?
That my kids would start serving The Lord again. That my oldest son would seek counseling for his issues. That I would start losing weight (I gained 15 #'s when I had a stricture,but haven't lost any of it And haven't lost anything for 3 weeks).
God bless you all
Love ya Annette
Hi Annette. Thanks so much for your prayers. I saw the orthopedist, and he said I just need to wait it out...that this condition takes about 1-2 years to resolve. It is getting less painful, so I'm starting to get there.
Annette, I too have been stuck at my current weight for about a month. Let's see if we can both kick things into gear. I'm praying for you, dear sister! Love you.

1. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities?
Now that I've lost weight I have become an outdoor person
2. Are you a morning person or an evening person?
Definitely morning.
3. Do people think of you are an extrovert or an introvert?
4. What is your prayer request today? I'm praying for each and everyone of you (Including you my sweet Peg. I'm praying for healing for you and myself...
here's a copy and paste of my post asking for prayer.
My back has been bothering me like crazy since this past Monday. It keeps getting worse and worse. I think I know what the problem is but really don't know how to fix it. My posture is very bad and I've been told that since my body used to reply on the extra weight before and now it's not there, there's where the problem starts. I always thought that by loosing all the weight I did, I would be pain free but I was wrong. Before surgery it was lower back pain because of my weight, now it's upper back pain (and my shoulders) because of the bad posture I was left with. I try very hard to sit straight but always seem to get to "comfortable" and forget.
My son rubbed some icy hot on my back last night and it did feel better but on my way here to work this morning it started again. Yesterday it bothered me so much I got in a bad mood. Those types of moods where you don't want anybody talking to you. For the first time ever, I got a little upset at my boyfriend just because I was in pain and took my frustration on him. I was not rude, I was not ugly I just WAS NOT myself (usually very cheerful). He loves to joke with me and I rolled my eyes at him for one little tiny joke. I'm bad right? He did ask me to forgive him and that he forgot I was in pain, but I think it was me that was wrong.
Please pray for me. I want to go visit my doctor but honestly can't afford to loose my hours here at work. Plus, my insurance does not cover chiropractor visits. I know we have a good God that heals and if you could just say a little prayer for me, I would really appreciate it.
I love you Peg!!